Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year's Resolutions

Every January, I try to start blogging again, but life gets busy and it doesn't last for long.  So for this year, I just want to get my New Year's resolutions down.  Even if I don't write another post all year, I at least want to have this one. So without further ado, here are my resolutions:

1) Read 100 books
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2) Go through all of the boxes in my house and garage, at least one per week
Image result for boxes graphic

3) Exercise regularly and walk the dog regularly
Image may contain: dog, outdoor and nature

4) Cook some new recipes
Image result for cooking graphic

5) Spend more time taking my little animals (guinea pigs and leopard geckos) out of their cages
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No photo description available.No photo description available.

What are your resolutions this year?  Do you usually stick to them?