Thursday, April 22, 2010

Aloha Friday #25 / Friday Follow

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog . Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

OMG, Haven't played since January!  My question this week is: Do you play the lottery?

One of my friends got me into the Mega Millions lottery.  It is across many states, and is often over $100,000,000!!!  I also buy the occasional scratcher.  So far, I haven't won any money on the bi-weekly drawings, but I do occasionally win on scratchers.

I'm also taking part in Friday Follow.  Please follow my blog and leave a link so I can follow yours.  Thanks to One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families, and Midday Escapades.


Liz Mays said...

I don't play it ever. I don't know why.

Anonymous said...

Lottery is against the law here. Can you stand it? When you win don't forget moi your BFF! ROFLMAO

Children Teaching Mama said...

I've only bought lottery tickets for drawings a few times- when it goes up to crazy amounts of money, but never won any of those.
I also occasionally buy scratch-off tickets. I don't think I've ever won anything over about $20. I actually bought one this weekend because I found $2 in the car while my DH was pumping gas and we won $7! Woo! I'm rich! lol

Tasha said...

no i dont play it

Anonymous said...

No, never play it.

The Social Frog said...

I don't, never really have the desire but hubby does once in a while.

Colette S said...

I don't play it. I just think of playing.

Bridgette said...

I play Powerball every once in a while. I played Wednesday and won $4. HA HA

Design It Chic said...

nope.. I've never won anything so i don't even bother.. i rather keep the money and save them up.. that's secure savings:D
Happy Friday and here's my Aloha!

More Than Words said...

I have never played, and I don't know why??

Stacy Uncorked said...

Only once in a blue moon have I bought lottery tickets. It's been quite a few years since the last time I bought any! :)

Ann said...

I am following you from FF...have a great weekend...

Auntie E said...

easy question for me... No.
My Aloha Friday Link for you

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

We only buy lotto tickets from time to time. That reminds me I was going to play for the latest prize, but if I don't not going to sweat it.

I am Harriet said...

No but, I seem to win the Swiss one a lot :)

Have a great Friday!

Dee said...

Nope, never...but my dad is convinced his lottery investment is gonna pay off and he's going to win one day. :)

Susan Cook said...

My husband does. If it is a 'big one' and unfortunately he is somewhat addicted to the scratch tickets! I personally never buy them. I'd love to win big though!

Rach said...

I'm in a syndicate at work , but will often play the euromillions as well. I keep dreaming I'm going to win, but that will only happen if I buy a ticket!

Lori said...

No, I actually live in the only state where gambling is illegal and we don't have a lottery. My husband travels to work and he's been known to buy an occasional ticket.

Carrie said...

no...did win $20 on my birthday from a scratch off once...

Laufa said...

Never play lottery. I do win radio call in shows every so often.

Buffie said...

When the jackpot gets large we'll usually buy a ticket or two. It isn't a regular thing though.

Anonymous said...

We buy lottery tickets sometimes, but not every week like we used to. We've won a few times playing Lotto, Play 4 and Cash 3. We've also won with scratch offs.

Kelley said...

Hello from FF! I dont play the lottery ( although I seem to win win millions in the Ziare National Lotter via email each day...LOL)

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I haven't played since my Dad passed away three years ago.

Anonymous said...

Newest follower from Friday Follow.

Anonymous said...

We don't play it.

Natalie A. said...

I don't play! I hope you have a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

Y'know, we never play the lottery... I get tickets for my birthday from family, but the most I've ever won was $10.

I don't know why we don't play... I suppose it's just not worth the effort.

Cathi said...

We don't play and never have.
Happy Aloha Friday!

Unknown said...

My husband plays the lottery on occasion but I have actually never bought a ticket.

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday Follow and Aloha Friday! I also need to get back to buying lottery tickets. You can't win if you don't buy a ticket, right? Good luck to us both!

Serendipity is Sweet said...

I buy them once in a while. I used to buy them weekly. I once picked 5 of 6 numbers in the lotto and won $853. I've also won $50 and $25 on scratchers once or twice. I don't play very often anymore. It's been a while since I've won anything.

Good luck!

Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

No. I put my $ in a piggy bank.

Smellyann said...

Nope, we don't play. I played a couple times when I first turned 18, and I won a couple dollars each time. lol Hubs loves scratchers, so I'll buy a few once in a while for him, but he's never won much.

Unknown said...

I played with my coworkers when the jackpot was huge. Other than that not too often!

Have a great weekend!

Twincerely,Olga said...

once in awhile!!!:) Aloha

Weblate Design said...

I have only played the lottery once, that was enough for me.

Happy Aloha Friday and FF!
Deal Daddy

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

MommieDaze said...

I think I bought a lottery ticket once when I was in college. Didn't win anything.

Brooke@Brooke'sBargains said...

Sorry i'm late, thanks for stopping and following me! I don't play the lottery very often, i might by a sratch off every now and then. I just don't think i'll win, but someone's got to right? lol

Brooke@Brooke'sBargains said...

Sorry i'm late, thanks for stopping and following me! I don't play the lottery very often, i might by a sratch off every now and then. I just don't think i'll win, but someone's got to right? lol

Brooke@Brooke'sBargains said...

Sorry i'm late, thanks for stopping and following me! I don't play the lottery very often, i might by a sratch off every now and then. I just don't think i'll win, but someone's got to right? lol

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

About a month ago we started playing every week. We teamed up with some friends and we play together to split the pot. I hope if they ever win they will be honest and share, maybe we should have a contract written!

Tatum said...

I use to & still do every once in awhile. I just hate making a donation to the state of Ohio..

extreme personal measures said...

Stopping by from Friday Follow. I am your newest follower. said...

Following you from Friday Follow.

Jeanette Huston