Tuesday, May 18, 2010

American Idol - Top 3

I haven't blogged about Idol for a long time, but I guess it's time.

Casey James started by singing "Okay It's Alright With Me" by Eric Hutchinson.  I love this song!  The judges didn't love his performance.  But Kara said it was an unknown song...and I think it is a well-known, modern song.  But, I agreed with the judges, it was only okay.

Crystal Bowersox chose "Come To My Window" by Melissa Ethridge.  I'm not a huge fan of Melissa's voice, but the song is good.  I think I liked her version more than the judges did, but Simon was very complimentary!

Lee Dewyze sang "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd.  I had never heard of the song before.  The judges loved his performance, and so did I!!!!

Kara and Randy's pick for Casey was "Daughters" by John Mayer.  The judges except for Simon loved it.  I thought it was better than his 1st, but I'm thinking Casey is gonna be the one to go home tomorrow night.

Ellen picked "Maybe I'm Amazed" by Paul McCartney for Crystal.  The judges really liked it.  I enjoyed it, but I still think Lee is my favorite.  But I think Crystal will be back next week.

Simon chose "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley and someone else (haha) for Lee.  The audience loved it.  The judges loved it.  And I thought it was amazing.  It would take a lot for Lee to not win the show!

What do you think?


Joyful Girl Naturals said...

I think your right on. Lee was amazing, as the season progressed he became the rising star. I really liked Casey in the beginning, but he really hasn't grown throughout the season as Lee has. I'm hoping Lee and Crystal are in the finals and Lee wins. I think he deserves to win!

Anonymous said...

A national study conducted by Mediacurves.com among American Idol viewers found that Casey James was selected as the contestant that should be eliminated from the competition based on his performance last night and only received 15.3% of votes. The study parallels American Idol voting to determine the weekly winners based on a democratic, “one person, one vote” methodology.
More results can be seen at http://www.mediacurves.com/Entertainment/J7766-AmericanIdol-5-18-10/Index.cfm

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I love Lee and hope he wins! He has an amazing voice!