Friday, August 1, 2014

My "Real" Job - Working with Special Needs People

I always talk about my hobbies, friends, pets, side jobs, family, and almost everything on this blog.  But, I rarely talk about my day job.  I only work part time, but it is such an amazing place!

I work in the home office of a woman who runs programs for special needs kids and adults.  Our most recent program was a camp to learn how to ride a two-wheeled bike.  This was back in June, but when I made a photo collage of it, I realized I should tell more people about what I do!

We also have programs all year such as baseball, basketball, football, cheerleading, yoga, and more!



A few times a year, we also do dances, which are more for all ages instead of just for kids.  These dances are a fun time for families to come out, have a meal, participate in tons of games and activities, and to meet other families!  They are always so much fun!

Our Valentine's Day Dance, 2014

I think if I didn't work for my boss, I would definitely want to volunteer for her.  Our programs include so many people and provide them with opportunities they might not have otherwise.  I love all of the people and families that I have met in the last few years.

Do you volunteer anywhere?  Are there special needs programs like these in your city?


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you for sharing. You have a beautiful heart and I can just imagine how rewarding it is to be there for them.

RF Dietz said...

What a rewarding job! My best friend's mom growing up is a special ed teacher and I often attended the events as a volunteer and found it extremely fun to be surrounded by such incredible people. I love that you said if you didn't work for your boss that you'd volunteer either way. That says a lot about you!

Mrs.AOK said...

Becca, that has to be SO rewarding, thank you!
All the best!

mypixieblog said...

I love that you work with special needs children--what rewarding work that must be :) This is a wonderful reminder that I should really avail my services to a greater good; my bf and I foster on occasion (though we've just adopted a senior dog so it's a bit more difficult) but I'd love to volunteer at a shelter in the area.

Thanks for the comment love so I could find your sweet blog home here :) Have a great weekend!

Sybil said...

that's awesome!! thanks for sharing… :)

Animated Confessions

Tammy said...

I'm so glad you shared this! What an awesome job you all have there with these kids. I'm sure there is something like this where we live but since I'm not plugged into that part of our community, I'm not entirely sure where.

My family goes each week to an apartment block and with a group of people help out with a program called Kids Eat Free which provides lunches with kids during summer who would normally get free lunch during the school year.

Then we sit around and talk and play with the kids for a while. It's a real great afternoon for all of us.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing program...I would love to do something like this at some point. You have my utmost respect my friend!