Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Deli Days or Jewish Food Festival

Now that the weather is warmer, all of the fun food festivals are happening!  After the success at the Greek Food Fesitval, I knew I had to try Deli Days this year!  I rounded up a group of friends, and off we went!

This is a photo of the original Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel temple.  It was moved from its original location to its current location.  I can't even imagine how you move a whole building!

I picked an all beef hot dog on a challah roll for lunch.  I only ever eat turkey dogs so this was a delicious treat!

My friend Lauren ordered a hot pastrami sandwich and a kosher pickle.

We shared a potato knish. I need to learn how to make these because they are delicious!

In order to get my cute little Israeli flag, I had to eat a really bad piece of gefilte fish from a jar.  I have only ever had cooked loaves of gefilte fish, and I will be sticking with those from now on.  But at least I have a sticker to prove I did it!

Much like at the Greek Festival, I used all of my leftover tickets to buy desserts.  They seemed to have desserts from every Jewish holiday through the year, but I tried to buy things that I don't have all the time.

This was a random cookie and I have no idea if it is Jewish or not, but it did taste good!

This is a hamentaschen filled with chocolate.  I didn't get any on Purim this year, and this one was especially delicious!

They also had music to listen to while you ate.  We were there during the time that Chava Mirel was singing, and she was really good!

Have you ever tried any Jewish foods before?  Do you have a favorite?

Friday, June 16, 2017

Book Reviews: My (not so) Perfect Life, The Trophy Child, and The Apartment

I go through phases where I barely read, and then I go through phases where I finish a book every few days.  Right now I am reading a book every few days.  Getting a library card when I moved to Idaho is one of the smartest things I have ever done!

I haven't read a ton of books by Sophie Kinsella, but "My (not so) Perfect Life" was on display at the library and sounded good, so I gave it a try.  It is about a woman around my age who lives in England and pretends to have a perfect life.  Her facade kind of unravels as the book goes on, but it is nice to get to know the real her instead of the person she pretends to be.  Reading this book made me want to read more books by Sophie Kinsella.

"The Trophy Child" by Paula Daly was also on display at the library.  Coincidentally, it also takes place in England.  It is about a "helicopter" or "tiger" mom, and what she puts her family through.  I have never read a book by Paula Daly before, but it was so not what I expected it to be that I will be looking for more books by her in the future!

"The Apartment" by Danielle Steel was a typical book by her, but I absolutely loved it.  It is about 4 friends who share an apartment in Hell's Kitchen in New York.  I love the friendships and romances in her books.  It didn't hurt that the characters in the book were all right around the same age as me.

I have 5 more library books sitting on my dresser waiting to be read, so be ready for more book reviews/recommendations!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Boise Greek Food Festival

I always used to go to the Santa Barbara Greek Festival, so it only made sense to go to the Boise Greek Food Festival this year.  I had actually been once before while visiting here seven years ago.  It is held at the Greek Orthodox Church.  This was the 36th year they held it!  They had some music to listen to and dancing to watch or participate in while you ate.  They also had a dessert house!  I dragged my friend Lauren along, because we both love to eat until we are stuffed!

]My lunch was pastitsio (noodles, meat sauce, bechamel sauce) and spanakopita (spinach and cheese in filo dough).  The spanakopita was amazingly delicious!

My dessert came with a Greek flag on top...what's inside??

Kourambiethes (powdered sugar covered cookies) and melomakarona (cookies dipped in honey with crushed walnuts on top)

I truly hope as the years go on that they expand their Greek food selections.  There are just so many options!  Do you have a favorite Greek food?

Friday, June 9, 2017

I Own Guinea Pigs!

For those of you who don't know, I have been a vet tech since moving to Idaho.  We see all types of animals at the hospital I work at.  One day, I just fell in love with a trio of guinea pigs that came in.  The owners told me they came from a local rescue, and I just knew I needed to get some of my own.

In March, I adopted Jack.  He was about 7 months old and just had the sweetest face!  After I got Jack and did some research, I learned that "an only guinea is a lonely guinea".  So, I needed to find Jack a friend.  While he was being boarded at the rescue in May, I had the woman watching him find him a friend.  Lenny was a little under a year old, and a perfect companion for Jack.  They are my two little cuties, and I am so glad I own them!

Jack hiding under a blanket!

A nice close of up Jack LOL

Hunter likes to sit on a chair and watch the guinea pigs play.  I think he secretly wants to join them, but just doesn't know how to be gentle.

Another close up of Jack because I just think he is so photogenic!

Jack and Lenny in their deluxe accommodations.

Jack and Lenny in their swimming pool for run around time.

Lenny poking his head out of his hiding spot.  He is still really shy, and spends a lot of time under there.

Have you ever owned an "exotic pet" before?

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

It's Time to Start Blogging Again / Big Life Changes

Last year was a rough year for me, and I didn't even know how to write a blog post about it.

On February 22, 2016, my dad passed away.  It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my life. My dad and I used to spend a lot of time together, and I definitely miss him every single day.  Time has eased that a bit, but I know my life will never be the same again.

This is a picture of my dad, a bag of his favorite candy (Skittles), his urn, and beautiful flower arrangements that my aunties made.  This was the display table at his memorial service.

On March 26, 2016, I moved into my first house that I owned myself.  It was a small glimmer of happiness in a bad year.

This is a picture of my kitchen, my favorite room in the house!

Then on March 27, 2016, the day after I moved into my new house, my papa passed away.  I was on a plane rushing to California when he passed.  His passing was kind of expected by this point, but that never makes it any easier.

This is a picture I love that includes my papa.  It was the last vacation we took together.

So, I am excited to get back into blogging and see what everyone has been up to!  Please don't let this post get you down, I just felt like I had to share before going on with blogging.