Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life Update?

My grandpa is now at ER.....and my grandma just had surgery a week and a half ago.  This is like...too much.  My mom is finally going to push them to make some life changes.  My mom and I have talked about them moving to where one of their three kids live, hiring help, getting services life grocery delivery...if anyone has any additional ideas they'd be appreciated.

In random news, I got acrylic nails.  My regular nails are beyond weak, so having acrylics is a nice change for me, even though everyone says they are bad for you!

And I am just getting to watching Idol now....omg!  I don't know how I have managed not to find out yet.  Rolling Stones are next week's first theme.  Katelyn Epperly didn't make it :(  Todrick Hall didn't make it.  Poor Alex Lambert, he is so freaking cute.  I bet my sister is heartbroken.  Poor Lilly Scott.

Top 6 Girls:
Didi Benami
Siobhan Magnus
Paige Myles - I would have rather seen her go.
Crystal Bowersox
Lacey Brown - I was worried about her!
Katie Stevens - not who I expected but happy

Top 6 Boys:
Casey James
Tim Urban
Lee Dewyze
Michael Lynche
Aaron Kelly
Andrew Garcia - OMG Why is he always last??????

I am going to go clean or something now...I have all this stress about my grandparents!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your Grandpa. It's always hard when they get older. My mom had to move in with my Grandmother after my GF passed away. Know that I send you much aloha and sunshine my dear sweet friend. I think you are on the right track with doing what you are going to do.

Can you scratch eyes out now?

My boozer still isn't on AI? I see Garcia is...WOOT!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope that your grandparents are receptive to your ideas. Best wishes for a quick bounce back from their health issues.