Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Midsummer's Eve Giveaway Hop

Wahoo, I am participating in my first ever giveaway hop.  This one is all about books - my favorite!

This giveaway hop is hosted by Inspired Kathy at I Am A Reader, Not A Writer.  There are currently 257 blogs participating!!!  The giveaway hop goes through June 24 so you have a few days to enter!  I am lucky #144 on the linky LOL

I am giving away 3 amazing books:  "While My Sister Sleeps" by Barbara Delinsky, "Susannah's Garden" by Debbie Macomber and "Born in Death" by J.D. Robb.  After you enter my giveaway, be sure to check out the linky below and enter all of the other giveaways!


For your first and mandatory entry for this giveaway, become a follower of my blog or let me know if you already follow (you must follow publicly, I have to be able to see you, comment with your gfc name).

Extra Entries:

1) Become an email subscriber of my blog or let me know if you already subscribe (comment with your email address).

2) Mention this giveaway on facebook with a link to this post (comment with your facebook name).

3) Add my button to your sidebar (and comment with the url).

4) Follow my Becca's Contest List blog (comment with your gfc name).

5) Follow me on twitter (comment with your twitter name).

6) Become my friend on Facebook (click here and comment with your facebook name).

This contest is open to anyone with a US mailing address that is 18+. Contest ends Friday, June 24th at 11:59 pm pacific time. Winner will be picked and notified by email shortly after.

I am sponsoring this giveaway on my own.  


Sassy said...

I follow via GFC

sassysasha817 at gmail dot com

Sassy said...

i friended you on Fb (Sasha L.)
sassysasha817 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow GFC Lisa
thanks lisapeters at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I follow Twitter as cenneidigh thanks lisapeters at yahoo dot com

Donnetta said...

I follow on GFC.


Kym said...

Hello, you have 3 of my fav authors to giveaway !

thanks so much for the fun blog hop :)

I am a gfc follower


debbie said...

I am a gfc follower. I would love to read these books.

April Yedinak said...

follow Becca's contest blog via GFC

April Yedinak said...

twitter follower

April Yedinak said...

friended you on FB
april yedinak

Laura H. said...

Thanks for the generous giveaway! I'm a new follower via GFC (MamaHendo3).


Laura H. said...

New e-mail subscriber.


Laura H. said...

Posted giveaway on FB: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=210767392294097&id=1336711064


Laura H. said...

New follower of Becca's List of Contests (MamaHendo3).


Laura H. said...

New Twitter follower @MamaHendo3.


Laura H. said...

Sent FB friend request (Laura G. Henderson).


mamabunny13 said...

I follow you via gfc as mamabunny13
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

mamabunny13 said...

I follow you on twitter @mmabunny13
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

mamabunny13 said...

Friended you on facebook-mamabunny shelor
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

hedgerhousehold said...

Follow on GFC
jenhedger at hotmail dot com

hedgerhousehold said...

Follow Becca's Contest List blog on GFC as Jenn
jenhedger at hotmail dot com

Alexandria said...

GFC Follower - Alexandria
alexandriatheo (at) gmail (dot) com

Thanks for the giveaway!

Kati R said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

GFC: Kati R
romancingrakes AT gmail DOT com

amp said...

I am a GFC follower (as apoalillo)

apoalillo {AT} hotmaiL (dot) COM

Pain SUX said...

GFC follower (4theluvofsanity)


Pain SUX said...

your fb friend (Stephanie christmann)


Pain SUX said...

follow your contest blog on GFC 4theluvofsanity


Mona said...

Great giveaway -- thanks :)
new GFC follower(Mona Garg)


Mona said...

New email subscriber


Mona said...

Follow Becca's Contest List Blog via GFC(Mona Garg)


Mona said...

Twitter follower(@Kulmona)


Mona said...

Sent FB friend request(Mona Garg)


Ruth said...

twitter follower

Ruth said...

sent you a friend request on facebook

Unknown said...

I follow via GFC - happi shopr. trinitygsd at yahoo dot ocm

Nancy said...

I am following via GFC as Nancy.

Nancy said...

I am following Becca's List of Contests via GFC as Nancy.

Karen said...

I follow on GFC ~ Karen
kpuleski at gmail dot com

Krystal Larson said...

Yay! Thank you so much :) edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom

Krystal Larson said...

GFC Krystal Larson

Krystal Larson said...

twitter follower Icecream1891

Juana said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

GFC follower = Juana Esparza


Juana said...

Email subscriber =


Juana said...

I follow Becca's Contest List Blog via GFC = Juana Esparza


Becca Ann said...

I follow on gfc as Rebecca Peters

Becca Ann said...

I friended you on fb.. becca Ann PEters

saturdaynightfever said...

I am a follower.



Judy said...

I am a new GFC follower-judy


Judy said...

I am an email subscriber.


Judy said...

I am an email subscriber.


Judy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judy said...

I follow Becca's Contest List Blog on GFC-judy


Judy said...

I am a follower on twitter @ladymagnolia99


Cindy said...

Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.
I'm a GFC follower - Cindy Macbeth
cindymacbeth at gmail dot com

twentywithoutmoney said...

GFC follower (twentywithoutmoney)

Love this giveaway! I know I would enjoy these titles, but it's something my mom would be able to enjoy too!

Screw Lucy said...

I follow via screw lucy

Jeryl M. said...

I am a GFC follower.


Lisa said...

Thanks for this!

lhoffpauir at gmail

clynsg said...

Follower via GFC (clynsg)

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Follow Becca's Contest List blog via GFC. (clynsg)

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said...

i am a follower on gfc susansmoaks
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog. My gfc name is purango. garrettsambo@aol.com