Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to the Books Giveaway Hop - 5 Kindle Copies of "The Eden Prescription"

I am participating in another book-themed giveaway hop - yay!

This giveaway hop is hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Buried in Books.  There are currently over 300 blogs participating!!!  The giveaway hop goes through September 7th so you have a few days to enter.

I was lucky enough to get to review the fantastic book that I am giving away to 5 different winners!  

I was drawn into the story line of the book from the very first page.  To summarize the book in a sentence...What would happen if someone discovered natural supplements that cured cancer better than chemo?  That question is answered in The Eden Prescription.  Not only are there two rival drug companies at war in this book, but there are so many moles and spies that you will never know who is on what side!  Annika Guthrie works for pharmaceutical company Chromogen but is working with Dr. Elliott Lindell who works for the rival company called Mitogenica.  Both companies are working to create the next big chemo drug, all while their employees are working on a natural supplement and slipping it to drug trial patients.  

My favorite thing about this book is that it is something that could be going on in real life right now!  The book is so well-researched and well-written that it's hard to believe it is fiction!

I am giving away 1 kindle copy of The Eden Prescription to 5 winners.  After you enter my giveaway, be sure to check out the linky below and enter all of the other giveaways!

Please please please only enter using Rafflecopter.  Blog comments will not count.

Friday, August 19, 2011

30 Days About Me - Day 18 - Wedding Talk

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 18 - Wedding Talk

Even though I am closer to 30 than 25....I don't have many thoughts of marriage.  I do know a few things though:

I want the Rabbi I grew up with to be the one to marry me.  His son was my best friend all through elementary school and I feel very close to their whole family.

I want to be married outdoors.  This is a Jewish custom that I love.  Outdoor weddings are beyond gorgeous.

I would love to find a "modest" dress.  I am a modest dresser in general so I can't imagine wearing something more revealing on my wedding day than I do every day.  There are some beautiful modest wedding dresses out there so I know I can find the right one.

What was your wedding like or what would your dream wedding be like?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

30 Days About Me - Day 17 - Your Biggest Insecurity & Something About Yourself You Are Proud Of

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 17 - Your Biggest Insecurity & Something About Yourself You Are Proud Of

Yay, more easy ones!!!!!

I am most insecure about my weight.  I love food too much to succeed at keeping weight off.  A while back I was able to lose about 15 pounds and looked really good, but then I brought a friend to live with me and gained it all back.

I am most proud of my work ethic and my honesty.  I am very hard-working and efficient.  I get more done at work in an hour than some people get done all day.  And I love that I am so honest that people believe whatever I say, because they know I'm incapable of lying.  Sometimes I lie by accident and the correction comes out of my mouth before I know what's happening!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

30 Days About Me - Day 16 - Who Do You Do the Most Crazy Things With OR What is the Most Crazy Thing You’ve Done?

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 16 - Who Do You Do the Most Crazy Things With OR What is the Most Crazy Thing You've Done?

I am too boring for this question!  I did used to be a bit more fun when I was younger though.  I used to love going to "punk" shows with Robert and the other guys from the picture in the who influenced my life post.  The guys had an attitude of "if you want to go in the mosh pit, you're on your own".  So I always went in on my own (all 4'10" of me).  I have been kicked in the head, climbed up, and the worst was when I was pushed into a railing and had a big bruise right over where my kidney is.  But, I have learned to have great balance and how to stick my elbows out to get people to leave me alone.

What is the craziest thing you've ever done?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Monday Meet and Greet #3 (Mia's Musings and Freebies & Cheapies)

Monday Meet and Greet #2 (Mia's Musings and Freebies & Cheapies)

Over the next many weeks, I will be posting up interviews with other bloggers, as will everyone else in our "Monday Meet and Greet" group.  We are picking whose turn it is randomly, so my week will come...eventually!  Come back every Monday to "meet" a new awesome blogger!

Your Name: Lori (AKA Mia)

Where do you blog? Freebies & Cheapies (
and Mia's Musings (

How did you decide on what to name your blog? Pretty much kept trying until I found something that was available.

Tell us a little bit about you....I am a forty-something year-old mom of a precious 4 year old boy. After having lost a twin pregnancy in 2000, I never thought I would be a mom-he was a true gift from God. I quit my job of 10 years to be able to stay home with him. Things are pretty tight around here but it is worth every minute to be able to stay home with him.

Tell us 5 of your favorite things, and 5 of your least favorite things...
Favorite things:
My son My dogs-Sadee, Rambo and Sophie (also known as Puppy Pia) Camaros Music My fish
Least favorite things:
Being broke all of the time High electric bills Selfish people People expecting me to do everything for them because I don't have a J-O-B Housework

When and why did you start blogging? I decided to blog to see if I could make a few dollars here and there. So far, I am not making much but I am having a good time with it and have met some awesome bloggers!

What do you blog about? At Freebies & Cheapies, I blog about coupons and saving money. I decided to start Mia's Musings so I could diversify and post about other things.

What does your family think of your blog? Do they read it? My mom is 85-she used to play games online but has moved in with my older sister and they, nor my other sister, ever get online. I do have a few cousins that like the coupons deals and freebies.

When do you find the time to blog? Not sure, LOL! I pretty much spend all day online but seem to get lost in cyberspace here lately. I am trying to set a schedule to go by so I can hold myself accountable if I don't get something done.

What advice would you give a new blogger? Take it slow and find a few friends that blog to give much needed support when you need it.

What are your favorite blogs to read? Too many to pick favorites!

Where can we find you?Facebook, Twitter, Email if you'd like to share it, Etc.
Freebies & Cheapies on Facebook (
Mia's Musings on Facebook (
Mommymia on Twitter (

30 Days About Me - Day 15 - Describe Your Dream Home or Show Us a Picture

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 15 - Describe Your Dream Home or Show Us a Picture

This isn't something that I much think about.  I live in Santa Barbara so many homes here have dreamy qualities.  Things that are important to me are big bedrooms, a big kitchen, a big pantry, and big bathrooms.  My dream home would also include a swimming pool!  Below are some beautiful parts of homes in Santa Barbara:

What one quality would your dream home have?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Invisalign - 2nd, 3rd & 4th Weeks

By the beginning of the 2nd week, my teeth weren't hurting so much.  By the end of the week, there was barely any discomfort at all.

At the beginning of week 3, I put on my 2nd set of aligners just like I was supposed to....and instantly felt the pressure from how tight they were!  Oy!  I took 3 advil my first night and 3 advil the next day.  By the next day the Advil wasn't working so that was that.

I think the second set of aligners is working on a different bottom tooth than the last set.  I'm glad they seem to be breaking it up so I'm not sore on all teeth all the time.

Week 4 was the same as week 2.  I change my aligners again on Wednesday night and I have to say...I am not looking forward to it!

30 Days About Me - Day 14 - Somewhere You'd Love to Travel

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 14 - Somewhere You'd Love to Travel

This one is beyond easy for me.  If I could only ever take one more vacation in my lifetime, it would be to Japan.  I want to explore that side of my culture.  I want to see their crazy parking garages, vending machines, technology and more.  I want to go to the mall that has a whole floor of Ramen restaurants that change every year depending on their popularity.  I want to be there when the cherry blossom trees bloom.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

30 Days About Me - Day 13 - Something or Someone That Has Had a Huge Impact On Your Life

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 13 - Something or Someone That Has Had a Huge Impact On Your Life

While many people hated high school, I absolutely loved it.  I had various groups of friends, was super involved with the band, and just enjoyed my time there.  I had one best friend in high school, Robert, who greatly impacted my outlook on life and helped to shape me into the person I am today.

How did Robert impact my life?  He taught me things that might seem obvious, but that I wouldn't listen to from anyone else.  He told me not to get so angry over small things.  He told me not to get so mad at my mom.  And most importantly - he taught me to be a great arguer/debater.

That's me in the front and Robert is behind me.  We are surrounded by most of our awesome group of friends from high school.

And in case anyone we know is reading this post and wondering what happened to him...he is now a lawyer up north and married to his awesome wife!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

30 Days About Me - Day 12 - Something You Are OCD About

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 12 - Something Your Are OCD About

I am kinda OCD about how I organize my sock drawer.  Because I am so obsessed with socks, I have to have my socks kind of organized or else I would never be able to find the pairs I was looking for!

Photo editing is obviously not my specialty...but I tried to show how my socks are organized.

Are you OCD about anything?

Friday, August 12, 2011

30 Days About Me - Day 11 - Favorite Band/Artist

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 11 - Favorite Band/Artist

I love music so this is really hard!  I guess I will name a few favorites from today.

1) Bruno Mars - His voice is just magical.  His smile is great, his voice is great, his music is great...he's just great!

2) Ke$ha - I know she is trashy but I love her voice and I love her songs.  Her songs are super catchy and I know all of the words to them!

3) Jason Mraz - I don't know where he disappeared off to but I love his voice.  I hope he comes out with some new music soon!  I would put up a video of his...but the official ones have embedding disabled.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

30 Days About Me - Day 10 - A Photo Taken Over 10 Years Ago of You & A Current One

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 10 - A Photo Taken Over 10 Years Ago of You & A Current One

I don't take a ton of pictures of please excuse what you see in this post LOL  I took pictures of some old pictures of myself (please excuse my thumb) and I am including only one new one!

This is me in Kindergarten :) (25 years ago)

This is my Confirmation picture (12 years ago)

That's me in the front on a trip through my temple.  We were in South Carolina. (12 years ago)

This is me a few months ago after getting my makeup done at the NARS counter.  Let me tell you...I love NARS products!

Well, I have learned from this that I miss having physical pictures to go through.  They are somehow cooler than computer pictures!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

30 Days About Me - Day 9 - Something That Makes Your Life Easier

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 9 - Something That Makes Your Life Easier

I am kinda old-fashioned on this one.  I love my planner!  It keeps my life organized and ensures that I never forget anything.  I am trying really hard to embrace technology and use my phone "planner" but I just cannot get into it.  And yes, it is blank this week.  I guess I'm not doing anything exciting for the next few days.  Gooooooo paper planners!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Silly Haiku Wednesday - #20

2 weeks in a row...yay!

Join the fun!

The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)

This week’s theme is: Manners

Manners forgotten
Are they a thing of the past?
Let's bring them back soon!

30 Days About Me - Day 8 - Something You Hate

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 8 - Something You Hate

Oh no, where shall I start?!?!?  Just kidding....kinda.  In all seriousness, there is one thing I think I hate more than anything else in this world.  I hate being lied to!  It drives me absolutely bonkers.  I don't lie (really, people are surprised when they get to know me and learn this is true) so I don't have any understanding of why people do it.  The truth almost always comes out anyway, so lying is just a waste of everyone's time and effort.

Is there one thing that you absolutely cannot stand???

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Meet and Greet #2 (Happenings of the Harper Household)

Monday Meet and Greet #2 (Happenings of the Harper Household)

Over the next many weeks, I will be posting up interviews with other bloggers, as will everyone else in our "Monday Meet and Greet" group.  We are picking whose turn it is randomly, so my week will come...eventually!  Come back every Monday to "meet" a new awesome blogger!

Name: Danielle Harper

Happenings of the Harper Household

Blog URL: http://www.HappeningsoftheHarp​

Where can we find you?
Facebook -​ingsoftheHH
Twitter -​hold
E-mail - HappeningsoftheHH at gmail dot com

Tell us a little about you... Let's see..... well I am a SAHM, but prior to that I was a bank teller attending college part time as an English major. Now please don't get on me about the fact that I don't follow proper grammar rules in my blog posts. I write like I talk - and I don't talk right - bahahahaha. My family always makes fun of me for this - but I can bust out an A paper like no one's business! Like I said, I'm a SAHM to two beautiful little girls - Dilly & Sugar and wife to an amazing man. And we have decided to try for #3! I am a cloth diapering, breastfeeding, baby wearing mama so you will see lots of reviews and giveaways for products related to those things plus lots more.

Tell us 5 of your favorite things, and five of your least favorite...
Favorites: Cloth Diapers, The Twilight Movies, Geocaching, Tattoos, and Crab Legs
Least Favorites: Drama, Most cooked vegetables, Sarah Jessica Parker, Snow, and Scales

What are your favorite blogs to read?
Pretty All True -
Three Times The Fun -
Motherhood, WTF? -

What do you blog about? I blog about my life and my girls which leads to lots of posts about cloth diapering, breastfeeding, and baby wearing. I also like to blog about any other products that fit our lifestyle.... especially green products! It will be interesting to see how my blog evolves as my girls grow up - but I don't want to think about that right now... they grow up too fast as it is.

When and why did you start blogging? A year ago!! I celebrated my one year blogiversary on August 6th. I originally started blogging to share our day to day activities with friends and family, but I soon noticed I was mentioning products. For example I talked about the baby food cookbook I used to make Sugar's baby food and I decided to try out the review/giveaway world.

How did you decide on your blog name? When I first started blogging it was just to share our day to day life with family and friends and I'm a big fan of alliteration - yes I was an English major, hehe - so I started thinking of words that started with H like our last name. Soon "Happenings of the Harper Household" was born!

When do you find time to blog? Usually after the kiddos are in bed for the night which is 8:30 PM. I am blessed to have two little girls that lay down and go to sleep without a fight. I really hope this continues because I enjoy my me time which could really be called blogging time!

What does your family think of your blog, do they read it? My hubby reads it when his facebook updates him to the fact that I wrote a new post and he likes that I get all sorts of new awesome products to try out - though he would like it more if these products were golf clubs or Xbox 360 games! My mom enjoys reading my blog and checking out the pictures I post of the girls. Every time she sees something new around our house the first thing out of her mouth is "so is that a review item too?" Hehe!!

What is your favorite blog post? The Worst Gift Ever - http://happeningsoftheharperho​​ift-ever/

What is your favorite review item you have ever reviewed? Zooper Tango - http://happeningsoftheharperho​​go-review/

What advice would you give to a new blogger? Blog about what you like and what you enjoy writing about. Don't worry about offending someone because there is always going to be someone who doesn't agree with you. Write from the heart!

What brand would you LOVE to work with? Kolcraft - I want to be a Kolcraft Mom sooooo bad!!

30 Days About Me - Day 7 - A Photo That Makes You Happy

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 7 - A Photo That Makes You Happy

There is no way I could narrow this down to just 1 photo....but I did manage to get it down to 3.  I think I have put some or all of these photos on my blog before...but that's okay!

The first picture is from our trip to Chicago almost a year ago.  We got to see both sides of my family!  The picture below is from my dad's side.

Auntie Yaye, Me, John (cousin) and Auntie Fumi

The second picture is my dog with my dad shortly after we got him.  How can you resist that face???

Do you have one favorite picture out of all of your pictures?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

30 Days About Me - Day 6 - Most Treasured Item

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 6 - Most Treasured Item

I am not a very materialistic person so this is kind of hard for me.  I guess I would have to say my laptop.  I use it for hours each day and take it most places with me.  The hard drive recently died and I was not a happy camper.  I wish this most treasured item of mine treasured me as much as I treasure it.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

30 Days About Me - Day 5 - Favorite Quote

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 5 - Favorite Quote

My dad is not a man of many words.  He is pretty content to just sit back and observe the world around him. But he has a few quotes that he says regularly, and I thought this would be a great opportunity to share some of his wisdom with you all.

One that we all now say is "You gotta be smarter than the object you're working with."

When a good song comes on the radio..."Do you like this song?  Then shut up and listen to it."

I know there are more...but I am blanking!

Do you have a favorite quote?

Friday, August 5, 2011


Congratulations to the winner of my Christmas in July giveaway:
Stacey Oler

Congratulations to the winners of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Family Matters:
Kim Buck
James Coyne
Sherry Strode

Be sure to enter my $10 Amazon GC and $25 Kroger GC giveaways, both ending Monday at 12:01 am eastern time.

30 Days About Me - Day 4 - Favorite Book

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 4 - Favorite Book

I'm glad this is not school and I am not being graded, because I am not being able to follow the rules very well.  I picked multiple songs and multiple movies.  I followed the rules for one day with a favorite tv show, but now I am about to break them again because....I don't have a favorite book.  There are too many books out there for me to read the same one twice.  So while I have a few favorite authors, I don't have one favorite book.  Below are a few of my favorite authors, and some of my favorite books by those authors.

1. Danielle Steel - I always love her books.  They are so well written and the stories always instantly draw me in.  One of my favorites by her is Bungalow 2.  The book is about Tanya Harris - a woman who goes from being a suburban mom to being a screenwriter in Hollywood.  A fantastic story about the choices moms have to make!

2. James Patterson - I love how quickly I can read his book.  The 2-4 page chapters are about all I can take since the chapters are so intense.  Cross Country is an awesome book in the Alex Cross series.  It takes Alex all the way to Africa.  This book was one of his most graphic that I have ever it is not for the faint at heart.

3. J.D. Robb (Yes I know this is Nora Roberts) - I love the "In Death" series that Nora Roberts writes as J.D. Robb.  At this point, I almost feel like I know the main character - Lieutenant Eve Dallas.  One of my most recent favorites by her was Fantasy in Death.  I think I love it so much because it is about a virtual reality video game gone wrong...and I love video games!

Who are your favorite authors / do you have any favorite books?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

30 Days About Me - Day 3 - Favorite Television Show

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 3 - Favorite Television Show

As I stated yesterday, I love movies.  Since a movie is basically a really long tv episode, it's no surprise that I love tv as well.  I record tons of shows on my DVR and honestly sometimes have trouble finding time to watch them all.  Unlike with movies and songs though, I know what my favorite tv show is.  My favorite show is the one that I will watch on the DVR no matter what else is recorded on it (I normally try to watch from oldest to newest).

This show is.....One Tree Hill.  I probably started watching it 7 years ago or so and I just love something about it.  Oh, and I once saw Bethany Joy Galeotti in the bathroom at the Double Tree hotel.  She is so teeny!

Bethany Joy Galeotti aka Haley James Scott

Jackson Brundage aka James (Jamie) Lucas Scott

What is your favorite tv show?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Friends with Benefits

I went to go see "Friends with Benefits" the other night.  It stars Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis.  I think they are both fantastic actors so I was excited to see them together!

Justin Timberlake plays Dylan, an art director for a blog.  Mila Kunis plays Jamie, a headhunter.  Jamie recruits Dylan to move across the country to work for GQ, they become friends (with benefits), and the movie goes on from there.

Mila and Justin have great chemistry together!!!!  The movie is really fun and I would highly recommend it! :)

30 Days About Me - Day 2 - Favorite Movie

30 Days About Me

Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better.  She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves.  There are a good number of us participating so far.  I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.

Day 2 - Favorite Movie

I love movies!  My friend Kevin and I actually try to watch at least 1 movie per week, either in the theater or on his huge-screen TV.  Because there are so many movies out there, I try not to watch the same movie over and over.  Therefore, I guess I have a few that are my "favorite".

I love the Fast and the Furious franchise.  After Kevin and I saw the 5th one in the theater, we started renting them from #1 to re-watch them all.  I know they are a bit cheesy or whatever, but I love the car driving, suspense, and of course Paul Walker.  Paul Walker once ate at the restaurant next door to my old job.  He was really scruffy looking in real life, so I choose to remember him as super hot and cleaned up!  Oh and of all the movies, Tokyo Drift is my favorite!

paul walker hair styles 0 Paul Walker Hair Styles

Another movie I love is Moulin Rouge.  I love the story, the singing, the dancing...just everything about it!  That is one movie that I will watch over and over!

Only two more to go.  Another movie that I think is just really sweet is Orange County.  Colin Hanks does an amazing job and Schuyler Fisk (Sissy Spacek's daughter) is fantastic as well.

And last but definitely not least would have to be Harry Potter.  Kevin and I also made our way through renting all of those since I hadn't seen them all.  Our goal was to watch the first movies in time to see the final movie in the theater.  We met our goal and saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 just last night.

What is your favorite movie?