Thursday, June 9, 2011

Aloha Friday #35 - Socks

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog . Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

This week's question is self-inspired.  How many pairs of socks do you own?

I own a drawer full of socks!  I have ankle socks, calf-length socks and knee socks.  I have white socks, black socks, and every pattern and design in-between.  Below are a few of my favorite pairs!

But I know some people who only own a few pairs or none at all.  Weird! LOL


Anonymous said...

I have millions of socks! However, mine are not nearly as organized as your's! I rarely am able to find the matches to the socks, so that minimizes the amount I'm actually able to wear!

Hope you have a good weekend!

Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

Not enough!

Colette S said...


I probably have five pair of socks :)

The man has too many and the kids have their fair share :)

Anonymous said...

Probably close to 20. I like socks!

Jen at A Heart Full of Love said...

I have way too many socks but my oldest daughter has started to take them. So maybe I should change my answer to not enough :)

CMash said...

Not sure..never took the time to count them but quite a few.

Catherine L. said...

Not many, I rarely wear socks.

~ Noelle said...

i have about 15 pair white socks.. then a good amount of random patterned socks!

MMAR said...

I have a ton! There is a brand that I love at Costco... K.Bell they are so comfy! I think I have every color they make : )

Kristen Andrews said...

not sure but a lot can barely stuff them all in my sock drawer I have a lot of unmatched socks too

Stacy Uncorked said...

I can't even begin to tell you how many socks I have - but it's probably close to what you have! :)

Aloha: The Eyes Have It

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I honestly have no clue. I have socks in several locations. When I was teaching, I had fun socks with different animals and for different holidays.

I am Harriet said...

I have no idea. I go through 2 a day since I like to run.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Probably 15. I don't wear socks unless I wear my sneakers.
Here's Mine

Smellyann said...

I have maybe 10 or 12 pairs. I don't wear them too often, and never in the summer unless I'm cleaning the floors. But I'm going to be knitting myself some cool socks, so I should have a couple more by the end of the year! ;)

Introducing Mr. Cool said...

I really don't know, but I can say I have a whole drawer full. Have a good weekend. I'm your latest follower nice to meet you. Stop by if you get a chance, and check out my give-away!

XmasDolly said...

Five or six I guess, but I only wear them in the winter.. maybe.. I think. Following you. Have a great weekend.

kailani said...

I don't really wear covered shoes unless I have to so I probably own about 3 pairs of socks.

Jennifer said...

Oh man, I used to have a ton of variety in my socks, but now, the only time I ever wear socks are with sneakers and boots. This means: a drawer full of athletic ankle socks and a half drawer full of black knee high socks. That spells: BORING. *sigh* Thanks for coming by my blog and answering my Aloha question! :-) Have a great rest of your weekend!

Anna said...

not many. what few pairs i do have my teenager sneaks out of my drawer to use with her converse. we live in hawai'i so i try to go without socks as much as possible. although i do wear shoes lol.

Serendipity is Sweet said...

Lol, I have no idea. I'm sure there are some old ones in there that need to be thrown out.

Natalie A. said...

I own alot of socks! I always like to wear socks. My feet feel really bare without them!