These are my teeth now!!!!
These were my teeth back in July. *(My mom thought my aligners were spit...I assure you, I don't have that much spit lol)
I am now on aligner 15/28. I just started it Weds night and I have to say it hurts. While my front teeth are looking good, my molars still have a way to go!
Totally. What does it involve? x
They look completely different and you can't even see the braces! I know that makes you feel so good!
Absolutely! THey look great!
Definitely noticable! They look wonderful.
i can see a difference... i wondered how that worked. i will be having to do braces for my kids when they're older and i actually considered looking into that option when we get there. my kids teeth are still coming out so we have a while but my oldest will defiantly need braces. :(
Wow, you can totally see a difference!
Oh my gosh it's a HUGE difference. I also did Invisalign and now am in maintenance mode wearing them only at night.
I almost forgot about the little buttons they put on your teeth, they took a while to get used to.
the invisalign is working girl! your teeth are looking great. i really want to try these out. i just want to fix my bottom teeth too :)
xo TJ
Oh, wow. Definite difference...that is so cool.
It's pretty neat what all can be done now days.
Absolutely there is a difference!
I too am in the process now! Sounds like we began around the same time.
Each new aligner change does create tenderness, but when I see how much better my teeth look, I know it;s all worth it!
Good luck!
Yes, the difference is very obvious! How wonderful! I'm hoping to get Invisalign took an impression of my teeth to see if I'm a good candidate.
Hopefully I'll get great results too!
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