Monday, September 9, 2013

Blog Every Day in September - Day 10: My Dream Vacation to Japan

I decided to join a blog challenge to blog every day in September.  It is hosted by Karissa at A Fresh Start on a Budget.

Today's topic is: What would be your dream vacation?

I am half-Japanese on my dad's side.  I have always wanted to go to Japan to explore that side of me.  And cmon...who doesn't think Japan looks awesome?

I love how high-tech everything looks!

They have every type of vending machine you could ever dream of...even bananas!

I also want to see the Cherry Blossoms!

The architecture is amazing as well!

Where would your dream vacation be to?


Unknown said...

i have a cousin who lived out there i always wanted to go see while she's there but haven't it does look amazing

Unknown said...

I think it would be exciting to go to Japan, especially with the family connections there. I hope you get to go and then you come back and tell us all about it!

Don’t know said...

I would take up residency outside the banana vending machine! LOL That is like my dream vending machine! I literally have to limit myself to so many banana's a day and then hide the rest lol!!!

Japan is an awesome destination, one we definitely want to get to someday!

Beverley Baird said...

I've always wanted to go to Japan. there is just something so unique and even mysterious about it.