Today's topic is: What have been the three greatest moments of your life?
I have lived a fairly happy life my whole life, but it's hard to pick three moments that were "the greatest".
I did love the trip I took to Israel 5 years ago. If you are Jewish, you can apply for a program called birthright between the ages of 18-26. They pretty much let everyone go on a free trip to Israel before they turn 26. I did have to pay for my airfare to and from New York, but Birthright took care of everything else. I had an amazing time on my trip and found a connection with Israel that I didn't have before it.

This is a shot of our whole group at the Wall in Jerusalem. I am in the front on the left with the light blue shirt on.
Another really fun weekend in my life was my mom's 50th birthday weekend. We had a ton of family come in for the whole weekend. We had a birthday party and a brunch at our house. It was so much fun! And her birthday is on Halloween...woohoo!

I'm on the left again!
Bringing Hunter home was a great moment also. Our last dog, Argus, had been gone about a year by the time we found Hunter. We had gone to animal shelters from as far north as Santa Maria and as far south as San Pedro. We spent a long time looking for our little terror!

This is Hunter when we first brought him home.
What have been your best moments?
great moments your trip must have been awesome
Oh, I've always wanted to go to Israel! I think it would be so neat to explore a place where Jesus once was! So neat!
What a wonderful opportunity! I would love to visit the Holy Land. Your dog is so gorgeous!
Wow, those are some really great moments.
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