Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chicken Enchiladas

On many of my menu plans, I leave a link to our chicken enchilada recipe. It's a family recipe, and I have no idea where it came from before that. We always post these really nice pictures of what it looks like in the casserole dish. Well the other night, she served me some before I got into the dining room, and I just wanted to share that lovely picture with you. It really reminded me that looks don't matter hehehehe And...don't let the picture scare you off...it really is delicious!!!!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to put mine in the mail :)

Miller Racing Family said...

This looks wonderful, I must print it off and try it. Thanks for sharing.
Have a fabulous day!

Haley said...

OMG, that looks too good!! I want some! thx for sharing the pix. I want the recipe! =P