Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins #7 we go!

1. I feel pretty...oh so pretty. hehehe

2. Playing Shanghai with my family is always fun.

3. Right now, I can hear these things: the whir of the fan and my sister typing.

4. I just ate a banana and I'm glad I got to try my new sugar free Hershey's syrup.

5. The last time I had jello shots was last weekend. (and I am having more this weekend)

6. I am going to my cousin Bobby's birthday BBQ this Labor day weekend.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing at home, tomorrow my plans include driving about an hour for the family barbecue and Sunday, I want to either finish cleaning the garage or start cleaning out the storage shed!


Anonymous said...

Ooooh i love jello shots...and what is shanghai? Does it have anything to do with Mao Tse Tung? LOL Have a great Friday :)

sheila said...

I LOVE bananas and chocolate syrup! If you put that on bread with some peanut butter and marshmallow fluff you've got THEEEE best sandwich!

Stacie said...

Sounds like a busy weekend. Hope you have a great time at the BBQ.

Megan said...

Have a great weekend! =)

Anonymous said...

thanks for telling us that there is a sugar free hershey syrup. happy weekend.

La Coccinelle said...

Now I've got songs from old musicals stuck in my head. :)

Alison said...

Laughing thinking about the words to #1...have a great weekend!

Kwizgiver said...

What fun to feel pretty. :-)

JonJon Rosaleen said...

Hahahah!!! I'm feeling pretty too now, and I feel great for having that feeling! :)
Love your answers.

p/s: I'm watching The Notebook while reading blogs. Haven't finished with it yet, but it's a brilliant romantic movie and I'm planning to watch it again.

Yvonne said...

Mmmmm...sugar free syrup sounds interesting. I'll have to look for that. Have a great weekend!

Serentipity is Sweet said...

Have a great weekend!

Carielle said...

I love jello shots too! My favorite are creamsicle and chocolate covered yummy! Happy Friday!

stephanie said...

I must be too old, because Jell-O shots do nothing for me - but they sound so FUN I wish they were enjoyable... Hope yours brought much delight, along with the rest of the weekend. :D

sally906 said...

I've never heard of jello shots - sound deliciously wicked :)

Thanks for stopping by my Friday fill-ins. I have a Nintendo DS light, and am proof it is not just for kids :)