This is my second time doing the
Ruby Tuesday meme. It is hosted by Work Of The Poet. All you have to do is post a picture with red.
I had seen a spider a few days ago...but didn't have a camera nearby and then it disappeared. My mom took out the trash last night and saw the same spider in our trash area. Below is the picture. Does anyone know what it is? Think it's poisonous?

Do you have a red pic to share? :)
No idea what kind of spider it is, but it's creepy. I hate spiders. It looks very large, was it?
Nice find for ruby tuesday though
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.
Ohh, that's one icky looking spider. Don't know what it is.
All dressed for winter - that spider looks woolly and cozy. Nice red find but I have no ID for it.
Ask OC he will know I bet. Or be able to point you in the right direction
Yuck and a half! Let us know when you find out! Mine's up!
Kewl macro of this spider! I don't know what kind it is however. Hope someone else can help you out. Thanks for dropping by Small Reflections this morning and Happy Ruby Tuesday ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
☼¨`*•.♥Awesome shots!♥.•*¨`☼
Thanks for sharing!
Have a Lovely♥Day!
To view my Ruby Tuesday you can visit my kiddos blog @
See ya!☺!
what a spider..Perfect for Ruby Tuesday.
never seen one like it..wouldn't go to close!
I wouldn't get near that one. But it sure is a cool picture for Ruby Tuesday. Hope someone identifies it for you. Thanks for sharing.
Not a clue, Becca, but a pretty little thing. My recommendation is admire from a distance. I don't think you would like the results of the bite from the puppy.
Thanks for sharing that cool picture, hmm, I have no clue what type of spider.
Thank you also for your visit to my blog. Happy R.T.
Wow that is scary. I would be totally freaked out if I saw that up close. I have no idea what it is though. Cool shot. Hope it stays outside!
Hi Becca, if I were you I'd stay away from that spider!
Happy RT, mine is the new (seven months) granddaughter again, this time with a red blouse.
Whehh-uh! I am scared of those - I would be running - not photographing that! You are brave!
In my neck of the woods we call these Jumping Spiders. They are not dangerous to man but may bite if feeling threatened.
But, it is always best to leave wild things alone.
Thanks for the visit to my RT post. In answer to your question about why they keep building the baseball Stadium? It is to make it bigger and more modern.
As a side note: I tried to read your other blog and found the color of the print to difficult to read on the dark background.
I see someone says they aren't poisonous but I'm allergic to little tiny ones biting so I wouldn't want anywhere near this guy!
A great shot!
Anything that looked like THAT I'd give a wide berth to. Yuck! You're one brave soul.
So your recipe link for the chkn enchiladas didn't work. I'm so disappointed!
Thanks for visiting, too.
I certainly wouldn't seek contact with this spider.
In Norway there are no stinging or poison spiders, so I don't have the fear for spiders in me.
In Portugal I once was bitten by a spider who had hidden in a woolen carpet in found in a hotel cupboard.
I didn't even realize I was stung by a spider, but I got a fever.
The hotel doctor saw my ignorance and only gave me some pills to ease to fever and pains.
One week later the doctor back home recognized the six stings and told me what had really happened.
That increased my hotel phobia!
From Felisol
what a cute spider, cool picture, thanks for the visiting my Ottawa falls.
Oh, the spider comments you got on this one were chilling (especially Felisol's).
Great shot of a little guy I don't care to meet.
Rita's got the correct answer. It is a jumping spider, possibly the redbacked jumping spider (Phidippus johnsoni or a close relative. If it is P. johnsoni, it's a male and a whitish color morph. However (believe it or not), there are about as many scientifically undescribed species of spider as there are described ones. With the funding situation for biodiversity the way it is, however, (there was a good article on this in The Scientist magazine about four months ago, I'd link to it but they want money [naturally], it's called "A Fading Field" if you wish to go get it) most of those species are going to remain undescribed, because We the People would rather watch football.
a lot of infos about this spider..quite interesting!
thanks for the visit Sis!
I can hear my little granddaughter shrieking right now! She thinks all bugs are spiders and freaks out if the tiniest one is anywhere within 6 feet of her. I believe this one is definitely a spider...I would agree on this one that it is yuck!!!
Not the kind of red beauty I'd like to encounter!
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