Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog . Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.
My question is:
What is your favorite animal?????
For whatever reason, mine is a hippopotamus. I think they are just amazing, and love collecting figurines / stuffed animals of them!
Giraffes lol I have no idea why either.. just have always loved them since I was a little girl.
My baby Alex -- he is a yorkie!
I love leopards, they are so beautiful!
not sure I have a favorite but polar bears are cool
Kangaroos. They are soo cute.
Tough one because we are animal lovers son would quickly say frog while daughter would say cat and yet another would say dogs. This is a hard question for me but I think I actually like the sealion
I have to say a pig. I just love them.
I also love dachshunds. They are so sweet.
My doggie :)
I love sea turtles!! I will watch them for HOURS at the aquarium!
Cats! Especially mine. :)
Lions, they are graceful
I love Dolphins.
For pets - I love dogs, especially big ones.
For wild animals - I would say lions. They are so huge and beautiful and scary.
Happy Friday!
I love monkeys and apes and chimps. I find them quite interesting.
I love watching polar bears at the zoo they are beautiful creatures and if you catch them swimming well you would be hooked too
Puppies. They are so cute and loving.
Kitties. Love them !
Pandas! Just so adorable w/ their white/black spots. Steal my heart every time!
I am a cat person, I also like dogs, but more so cats:)
As far as pets, definitely dogs (particularly golden retrievers, English springer spaniels, and English setters). For wild animals, I would probably say leopards.
Our Sharpei Lab. Her name is Wrinkles and she is adorable and smart.
Next to her I'd have to go with Koala Bears, because they're cute!
Great Danes :D
I love elephants! My grandmother collected them all through my childhood and I think it just kind of carried over to me.
Dogs, always. Now I do love to look at the orangutans at the zoo. They are so precious and one fell in love with my neice when I had her at the zoo, all flirting through the window, and putting its hand up against hers on the windo. It was so precious and we all kinda bonded. LOL, OK this sounds dumb, LOL, but it is true!!
Dolphins, that's technically an animal right? :)
I'm not a big animal person. As long as I dont have to own it i think koalas are cute. I used to have a stuffed animal koala family
Just a dog.
I am fascinated by killer whales!
I'm a dog lover! But if I think of more exotic types--I love penguins
Does this include dogs? ;-)
I seem to be drawn to two: dolphins and bears.
Thanks for stopping by today!
My favorite animal is my daughter, I mean doggie.
After that I love otters!!
That's a hard question! There are so many animals that I love all for very different reasons.
I guess for the purpose of your question I will say Koala Bears.
I'm your newest follower. Would love to have you follw me too! :D
I love all zoo animals!!! Especially the baby elephants (columbus zoo), bonobos, monkeys, bears, otters, tigers,.... ok all of them.
I think the columbus zoo is going to get polar bears for us??? Very soon. The zoo is just a couple miles down the street. I used to worry the animals might escape.
I love dogs!
I think bears are very pretty. Wouldn't want to encounter one but from a far they a pretty amazing.
I love penguins, really cute and adorable.
Dog, their loyalty and unconditional love is remarkable.
I love horses...and well I love babies...so really a baby anything...I don't always like them when they get bigger! LOl
Domestic? Dogs!
Exotic? Elephants!
I love other people's dogs, but I'm a cat person. I'm owned by 2 beautiful cats. They keep me around to feed them and clean up after them. Also as a warm platform for sleeping.
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