Monday, July 6, 2009

Fancy Fortune Cookies Review and Giveaway

Erin at Fancy Fortune Cookies was kind enough to send me 4 different flavors of fortune cookies to try. She sent me regular/vanilla, orange, bubble gum and cappuccino. I have to say, I was impressed with the strong flavors in each cookie. You could distinctly tell what each flavor was without any doubts!!! The bubble gum was probably my favorite one!!!!!

When you order from them, you get to personalize the flavor/color, packaging and inside fun!!!!!

They have 14 flavors to choose from, and you can get any flavor dipped in white, dark or milk chocolate.

From the website:

y name is Mike Fry and I am a fortune cookie fanatic and flavoring pioneer. The story I'm about to tell you is the absolute truth, as incredible as it may seem. It will intrigue you and give you a glimpse into the ancient and very secretive world of the Chinese fortune cookie making business.

Founder &
Flavor Guru

Founder & Flavor Guru - Mike Fry

In late fall of 1987 I had a "crazy" idea that forever changed my life. (Check out the first newspaper article about my original concept!) While eating in my favorite small, local Chinese restaurant in Fort Wayne, Indiana, I wondered "Why doesn't anyone make fortune cookies in fun colors and fruit flavors that actually taste good, like Jelly Belly does with its gourmet jelly beans?"

Chinese Mike
The Old Idea

I was tired of my fortune cookies tasting bland, in one flavor choice and sometimes almost cardboard-like in taste. So, I decided to pioneer the idea and take on the challenge myself. Cold logic should have warned me about how hard my Willy Wonka style idea would be to pull off...

In fact, that "out of the box" decision has become my life's work and full-time career for the last 15 years! And it's taken me on a magical journey into the age-old-mystery of fortune cookie making and chinese proverbs.

I quit my job as a professional Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey clown. Yes! I was a clown with the "Greatest Show on Earth." In fact, you can still see my picture in the World Book Encyclopedia under the word "clown." Then, I set aside my own children's TV show which had been airing in 209 cities on FOX eight years in a row. I had an almost two-year wait for tickets to my 90-minute daily LIVE show and ratings that were some of the highest of any children's show in the midwest. It was a truly a performer's dream job!

Clown Mike

But, I was determined that my NEW IDEA was a good one. So, I turned in my notice and left my job in October of 1990 to the shock and laughter of my family, the TV station and my friends. Who would want to buy "flavored" fortune cookies made by a former clown, everybody jokingly kept asking me. They were all certain I would fall flat on my face. And the truth is only long talks with God got me through many days!

Little did I know that I was trying to break into one of the most unusual and secretive food industries you could imagine. Especially for a guy from Indiana with no college or marketing degree. In fact, I was literally the first non-Chinese person to EVER begin actually making and manufacturing my own fortune cookies in gourmet flavors and colors. One other guy tried to break into the traditional fortune cookie industry in the late 1980's, but went belly-up after figuring out his idea wasn't welcomed in the small and very closed world of Chinese fortune cookie makers. Maybe I really was crazy I often thought.

cookie assortment

I called 8 different Chinese fortune cookie companies back in late 1987, and tried unsuccessfully to find any one of them that thought my idea of flavors and colors was a good idea. Finally, my 9th contact was willing to listen to me...

For the next 2 years we painstakingly experimented and created tens of thousands of bad looking AND bad tasting batches of fortune cookies. It was a frustrating and expensive learning curve.

Recipe after recipe after recipe...

Finally after a bazillion cookies -- we "cracked the code." We mastered the ancient art of making fortune cookies in vibrant colors and flavors. It was a EUREKA moment!

From that very small and humble beginning, I've gone from not just inventing the very first flavors introduced to the Chinese-only industry (my first five flavors were strawberry, lemon, orange, blueberry, and mint in 1987) but I've gone on to create and manufacture a whole fun menu-of-flavors and a fireworks of brilliant colors you can customize with your own sayings or promotions inside.

Since 1987 I've invented a total of 17 different, delicious, and turbo-charged flavors used by many companies, restaurants and businesses across the U.S.

My goal is to make literally the best-tasting, best-looking and most memorable fortune cookies on the market. And I spare no expense in my chosen obsession!

Fancy Fortune Cookies is offering one lucky winner an assortment of 100 cookies! (You get to try every flavor!!!!)

For your first (and mandatory) entry into this contest, visit Fancy Fortune Cookies and tell me which flavor sounds the best to you. Please be sure to leave your email address in your comments.

To earn extra entries you can (please leave a comment for each additional entry):

1) Become a follower of my blog or let me know if you already follow (please don't do anonymous, i have to be able to see you)
2) Become an email subscriber of my blog or let me know if you already subscribe
3) Blog about this contest (and comment with the url)
4) Follow me on twitter and tweet about the contest (comment with your twitter name and the url of your tweet)

This contest is open to anyone with a US mailing address that is 18+. Contest ends Tuesday, July 21st at noon pacific time. Winner will be picked and notified by email shortly after.


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AudreyO said...

Those are so cute. I can't imagine a bubble gum tasting fortune cookie LOL.

peg42 said...

The Double Chocolate Chocolate Fortune Cookie sounds really great. Thanks.

PAIGE said...

Chocolate dipped - with confetti please.Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

js22 said...

I'd love to try the Minty Mint Mint Fortune Cookie.

Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.

js22 said...

I follow your blog on blogger.
email in blogger profile.

js22 said...

i follow on twitter - js22222222 .
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email in blogger profile.

plhill2000 said...

I'd like the Cappuccino flavor dipped in milk chocolate.

TX_Jen34 said...

I want to try the toasted coconut flavor.

TX_Jen34 said...

I follow your blog.

Kiara said...

I would love to try the Double Chocolate Chocolate Fortune Cookie!

cstironkat said...

The double chocolate and original vanilla sound great to me.

Anonymous said...



double chocolate sounds yummy

Ellen C. said...

I'd like to try the cappuccino flavor. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Chocoholic's Delight™
Sounds wonderful.

Nora SP

Leslie M. said...

YUM!!! I'm a chocoholic!!! So my favorite??
Double Chocolate™
Chocolate Fortune Cookie
It's been proven that chocolate causes pleasure and emotion, much the same as falling in love. And these chocolate fortune cookies will make you feel the same way, very satisfied and calmly content.

Thank you so much for the Chance to win!!!

Leslie M. said...

I am already a Follower!!!!


Leslie M. said...

LeslieVeg is following you on Twitter and left a tweet


Mandy said...

Coconut or strawberry sound best to me

Mandy said...

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Mandy said...

subscribed via email

Mandy said...


Cody said...

I've never seen flavored fortune cookies before! I'm really interested in the Old Fashioned Bubblegum flavor.

Jean said...

I'd like to try bubblegum for my daughter's upcoming birthday party

lsfish said...


cathiem said...

Toasted Coconut soumds good.

denyse said...

I want the toasted coconut. I love everything coconut:)

ShyMommy said...

Strawberry or mint, or maybe cappuccino... ;) Most of the flavors look good, it's hard to choose just one!

ShyMommy said...

I follow!

Dove420 said...

I want to try them all, especially the Cherry Bliss, Strawberry and Toasted Coconut....Who can pick just one?


Dove420 said...

I became a follower.


Dove420 said...

I became a follower


Dove420 said...

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted. Dove420


Anonymous said...

The best to me? DOUBLE CHOCOLATE!

Katmagick said...

I know I'm boring but the regular vanilla would be my favorite.

Katmagick said...

Follow you on twitter


tawndam said...

I want to get the Strawberry cookies!

cmltx said...

Love the Chocoholic's Delight™

magic5905 said...

Passion Fruit Punch sounds delicious. Thanks.

mogrill said...

Chocoholics Delight sounds wonderful! Thanks for the chance.

Amanda Sixx said...

Double Chocolate Chocolate Fortune Cookie sounds chocolicious!

amandasixx at hotmail dot com

tatertot374 said...

I like the Double Chocolate Chocolate Fortune Cookie.
Thank you for the chance

Kristy W said...

The Cherry Bliss™ fortune cookies dipped in dark chocolate sounds delicious!

Kristy W said...

email subscriber

Sheila P said...

Chocoholics Delight

julis55 said...

The Double Chocolate Chocolate Fortune Cookie sounds really great

Jessilyn82 said...

The Lemon sounds really good!

Jessilyn82 said...

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Jessilyn82 said...

I follow on Twitter as Jessilyn82 and did a tweet

Jessilyn82 said...

Blogged about it:

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Wow there are so many flavors! I think I would like toasted coconut.

Anissa said...

Yum! Definitely double chocolate for me!

STRANGEONE1120 said...

I want to try the Double Chocolate Chocolate Fortune Cookie

Anonymous said...

Lemon sounds good to me!

Jeni said...

I would like to try the cherry bliss

RE said...

Cool Cappuchino sounds great! Thanks!

llinda29 said...

I will try cappuccino flavor



Cynthia Crawford

My 2 favorites have to be: Cherry & Chocolate. I never really liked fortune cookies before (except for reading the fortune inside)until now? You have got me wondering about this new taste sensation! ~Cindy

Cynthia Crawford

I subscribed as: 2009sweeps at gmail dot com. THX! ~Cindy

Chenoa M said...

Strawberry sounds wonderful. What a unique and cool idea... I have bookmarked your site for future possible orders! My email is

amanda said...

Toasted coconut sounds amazing to me! My husband would love the cappuccino.

oheeyore at hotmail dot com

amanda said...

I follow.
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

I Like To Win said...

I would like to try cappuccino.

Tara said...

Cherry sounds yummy!

mommy koala at live dot com

Tamara B. said...

Their Double Chocolate flavor sounds delicious.

Tamara B. said...

I follow.

WHOOPLA said...

The Cappuccino flavor sound really gooood.

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

Luscious Lemon sounds delicious.

Dawn said...

I would like to try cherry bliss but all the flavors sound like they would be good.

Lorry said...

I like Cool Cappuccino

carole37 said...

I like all of them but would love to try the cool cappuccino.

Peggy said...

I would love the Cherry! Thanks

Peggy said...


Peggy said...


wheresmyrain said...

love this idea,
anything coffee flavored is my friend so capunchino flavor love to try that one

Crazycat said...

The double chocolate!

Lisa P. said...

Cool Cappuccino sounds best to me!

Lisa P. said...

I'm following you on Twitter.

Unknown said...

Cherry Bliss for me.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Following your blog

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Following on twitter & I tweeted:

shel704 at aol dot com

aniasurvey said...

Chocoholic's Delight!

kelly said...

Sun-Ripened Strawberry sounds great

Joseph said...

The "Very Berry Raspberry" Raspberry Fortune Cookie flavor sounds the best to me.

jjboltz (@) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email.

Lauren: said...

mmm passion fruit punch!

ky2here said...

Cool Cappuccino.

Courtney said...

Chocolate dipped fortune cookies? I am all about that!

leslie said...

the fruit punch would be what i would probably try. The mint sounds good too.

Anonymous said...

The toasted coconut looks great! I was very excited to read about the creator's story because he's from my home town and I've been to his TV show, Happy's Place! I could never forget that clown.

Sandon and Othea said...

blueberry!! but anything dipped in chocolate would be even better.


george ferris said...

Chocolate covered fortune cookies.
george ferris

george ferris said...

I just subscribed via e-mail.
george ferris

Smooshy said...

mint sounds good!

Rachel said...

I think the lemon sounds very refreshing. They are so pretty too.

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the bubble gum what a unique flavored cookie! :)

Anonymous said...

I subscribe

Jodi said...

They all sound delicious, but I think I'd love the lemon one best! Thanks!

wigget said...

i like the Chocoholic's Delight

Angela R. said...

Cherry Bliss!

JeansandTs said...

I'd just love to try those sun-dried strawberry cookies!

Anonymous said...

It's bubb;egum all the way; thanks SW

Heather said...

blueberry sounds awesome

Denise S. said...

I would choose Chocoholic's Delight™

A Joyful Chaos said...

I would love to try the orange flavored ones!


K. Rock said...

I would try the chocolate dipped with confetti.

Anonymous said...

Chocoholics Delight and Strawberry both sound phenomenal! Thanks for the giveaway!

luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com

Michele said...

Passion Fruit Punch - perfect for what I'd use them for.

Anonymous said...

The lemon sound wonderful.

hebert024 at aol dot com

Hotsnotty2 said...

I would love to try the Minty mint Fortune Cookies! Thanks for the chance!

Shelly Leatham said...

Yum...Strawberry! Thanks for the chance to win, all the flavors sound yummy!

Shelly Leatham said...

I follow your blog!

Shelly Leatham said...

Email subscriber!

Shelly Leatham said...

Follow on twitter and tweeted

Ken said...

I'd like to taste the Orange or Strawberry fortune cookies. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

Heidi said...

Being the chocolate fan that I am, both the double chocolate and chocoholic's delight sound very yummy!

froggy_luver [at] hotmail [dot] com

Laura said...

I think the Chocoholic's Delight (chocolate covered cookies) sounds very yummy!

April said...

I think the chocolate ones sound divine!

Donna said...

I would like to try the vanilla.

Donna said...


Donna said...

I follow on twitter, and I tweeted:

Mary said...

Orange sounds great to me

Laurel said...

Coconut! Oh my gosh, one of each flavor sounds like so much fun. I would have to have a serious party to have my friends taste all of them!

Laurel said...

Subscribing by email

elizabeth p said...

Double chocolate would be good. I would love to see a multi flavor pack. I am

Mia J. said...

I would like to try lemon.

Terra Heck said...

I think they all sound great, especially luscious lemon.

Pat said...

Minty Mint would be my favorite.
pkildow at gmail dot com

*~Dani~* said...

Toasted Coconut sounds terrific!


silverhartgirl said...

Double Chocolate Chocolate sounds yummy
silverhartgirl at

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try Horseshoe Blue. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Opps forgot to leave me email in the last post

I follow!

Anonymous said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted!


Traci said...

Vanilla for me. Great giveaway!

Heather B said...

the minty mint sounds great!

Dolphin Girl said...

I would love the vanilla!

Jennifer said...

I love anything Vanilla and I love fortune cookies, so the vanilla fortune cookie would be the first one on my list to try!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Jennifer said...

I subscribe!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love the cappucino ones. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Toasted Coconut sounds really tasty. Thanks! theprophecygirl at hotmail dot com

Marianna said...

Chocolate fortune cookies sound delicious!

intime said...

Double Chocolate Chocolate Fortune Cookie

Chris said...

Oh, these are to drool for!

Blueberry fan, so I have to go with Horseshoe Blue!! Sounds sooo delicious!

Chris said...

Oh, and I'm now a blog follower too!

sue14625 said...

Cool Cappuccino Fortune Cookie is right up my alley

susitravl said...

Cappuccino would be the favorite in my house, I'm sure.

trishden said...

Cappuccino is my favorite flavor. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Chocoholics Delight sounds the yummiest to me.


Unknown said...

Blog follower


Unknown said...

Twitter follower & tweet


trishden said...

I'm an email subscriber. Thanks!

trishden said...

I'm a Twitter follower and I tweeted here:


Helen S said...

The vanilla and mint flavors sound good.

Princess Golden Hair said...

I'm a big chocolate fan that's why I'd love to try The Double Chocolate Chocolate Fortune Cookie sounds really great.

teechbiz at gmail dot com

Kristy said...

I would love to try the cherry bliss especially if it was dipped in dark chocolate..YUM

Kristy said...


terri142 said...

The Double Chocolate sounds delicious.

Anonymous said...

The "Mint Fortune Cookies" would probably be my favorite :)

Aisling said...

The "Oh, Wow!" Orange fortune cookies sound delicious, but I'd really love to have the opportunity to try their whole assortment.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

i want them all but I'm so curious about the mint.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

i follow you now.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Secret Burkheiser said...

I would love to try either cherry or blueberry.

rebekah arnold said...

Coconut Fortune Cookie

Toasted Coconut
i love this flavor thanks for the giveaway

rebekah arnold said...

following your blog ( tennrose)

rebekah arnold said...

subscribed to you by email

rebekah arnold said...

following on twitter and heres my link

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

email subscriber

erma said...

The Double Chocolate Chocolate Fortune Cookie sounds awesome.

JRG said...

Double chocolate chocolate!

djgroz said...

Chocolate Covered Fortune Cookie

Chocoholic's Delight™
Chocolate Covered Fortune Cookie

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

Great Idea You Had! The Double Chocolate great and the Minty Mint Mint!

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

Subscribe to email

Marie said...

Yum. I think I would like cherry the best.


Nancy said...

The chocolate fortune cookies covered with chocolate would be my favorite!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said...

I follow with Google Friends.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said...

I am an e-mail subscriber.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Molly K said...

I think I would have to go with the plain old Original™ Vanilla Fortune Cookie. I know, I'm boring.

Pamela S said...

I think lemon sounds great!


Pamela S said...

I signed up to follow!

Shay said...

Hands down... Double Chocolate! YUM!

Chris said...

I'd love to try the Minty Mint Mint Fortune Cookie.

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...

Decisions, decisions! How about the Cool Cappuccino dipped in dark chocolate?!

Anonymous said...

The Toasted Coconut sounds good.

Joyce said...

Toasted coconut, yummmm!
joycejacobs602 at yahoo dot com

Joyce said...

I'm a follower.
joycejacobs602 at yahoo dot com

janetfaye said...

I like Chocolate flavored.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I'd love to taste the coconut one

janetfaye said...

I follow - janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Whitney said...

It's hard to pick between all the chocolates, but I'm going with the chocolate delight.

Ashley's Allowance said...

I would love to try the toasted coconut flavor!

Ashley's Allowance said...

I follow your blog!

Ashley's Allowance said...

I subscribe to your blog via email!

Ashley's Allowance said...

I follow you on twitter (AshsAllowance) and tweeted about this giveaway!

diesel51 said...

Chocolate followed a very close second of strawberry.

checkers said...


Storm Safety Blog said...

I'd love to try the Cherry flavored ones! The red color would be good at Christmas or for romantic events, too.

checkers said...

Subscribed by email, skyskyaa11(at)

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