Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog . Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.
My question is:
Do you play any musical instruments?
I played flute and clarinet in high school but haven't really touched them since.
No, I wish I did.
I used to play violin, flute, and piano. I still play piano a bit.
Took piano lessons for 10yrs. Teaching my daughter to play keyboard now.
I used to play the organ, but I was really terrible at reading music. I sang/sing, too, so I had to work hard at that. It's one of those "use it or lose it" types of things!
I play the piano and would love to learn the guitar someday. (in my free time)
Use to but not anymore :)
Growing up in Hawaii I played the ukulele.
I love music but have never learned to play anything. I wish I had.
I played the violin and recorder in school for a bit, but took piano lessons for many years and can read music. I don't have a piano so I don't get to play anymore. When my parents moved from our childhood home they sold my grandmother's piano and those people sold it a few years later. So sad! I have many memories of playing for my grandparents and how proud they were of me. Have a wonderful holiday weekend and take care.
Not now, I played the clarinet when I was a kid but nothing now.
Depends how you define 'play'- lol.
We do have a piano.
Depends how you define 'play'- lol.
We do have a piano.
I used to play the piano, but haven't for a while. In high school I played the flute and the saxophone.
I took piano lessons for years, but have not played in a long time.
I never played a musical instrument.
yes flute and piano.
I used to play clarinet in high school, but haven't played since then.
I played the trumpet in high school. Now I have one wanting to learn the piano and one the electric guitar.
No but if I did it would be the drums.
No...but I wish that I could!
No. Clarinet in middle school, but I never was very good!
i used to play the piano. i really enjoyed it once i got past the lessons as a young girl. i used to like playing when i was all by myself. unfortunately, we no longer have a piano and i haven't played in years.
I used to play piano and I suppose I could still hit a few notes.
In high school I played french horn and baritone but haven't since then.
No. I wish I did. Growing up I took piano lessons briefly. I had no patience for it. I did learn how to read music though...at least the basics. I always wanted to play violin. I assume that takes lots of patience too though :D
No. On a musical talent scale of 1 to 10, I'm a negative 5. I am so grateful that I quit piano lessons and I am very thankful that I have not spent undue amounts of time trying to overcome my obvious handicaps in this area.
I have taught myself guitar.....not well....but I enjoy playing and singing along. xoxoxo
Hi Becca! Thanks for stopping by my blog and posting.
I did take piano and some guitar as a kid but sadly can't play anything now.
Take care + have a wonderful weekend!
God, I always wanted to be a guitarist, but could never get it!!!!
I also used to play the flute. Now I would love to learn how to play guitar.
Not a single one. :)
I used to play the guitar but don't do so to much these days.
I haven't in a while but I used to play the trumpet, french horn and a little piano.
nope, I tried a few different as a child and decided I was better off just singing
I play the piano - but not well! LOL
It's great that you know how to play the flute and clarinet. I wish I knew how to play a musical instrument.
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