Saturday, July 18, 2009

Small Talk Six - 6 flavors or types of ice cream that you love or hate

MomDot hosts Small Talk Six each Saturday, with a new topic weekly. You have to respond to each topic with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, or 6 photos.

This week's topic is 6 flavors or types of ice cream that you love or hate

1. Mint chocolate chip

2. World class chocolate from Baskin Robbins

3. Chocolate chip cookie dough

4. Phish Food by Ben & Jerry's

5. Chocolate

6. Rainbow sherbet


Staci A said...

Oooh, that rainbow sherbet looks yummy!

AudreyO said...

I've not had World Class Chocolate in quite some time. It used to be one of my favorites along with Gold Medal Ribbon.

Chrissy Thomas said...

Oh. My. Gosh. That ice cream looks so good!

Anonymous said...

Now I want some ice cream...

Mike said...

Ben and Jerrys Chocolate chip cookie dough is my weakness! I cannot resist it!

Claudya Martinez said...

Have you tried the Ben & Jerry's Mint Choclate Cookie? I love that stuff. I can eat a whole pint of that stuff.

Jodi said...

They all look good...No cookies n cream??

Thanks for visiting my blog!

monica said...

Oh how I love ice cream!! Great pictures now I want some Ice Cream!!

Charlie said...

BEN AND JERRY'S!!!! *starry-eyed*

I LOVE the strawberry cheesecake flavour though! :D

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

Love the photos. We have a lot of the same tastes. Mmmm.

Carma Sez said...

Rainbow Sherbert, Phish food and cookie dough - I go for a 3-way tie!

Shari@aPsychMommy said...

Oh yum! I haven't had rainbow sherbet in forever--it sounds so refreshing on this hot day!

Unknown said...

I now want some Ice Cream as the photos you posted looks very yummy.

Jenni said...

NICE choices!

And now I want ice cream!