Monday, August 31, 2009

Ruby Tuesday #1

This is my first time trying out the Ruby Tuesday meme. It is hosted by Work Of The Poet. All you have to do is post a picture with red.

I had to look around my house for something red...and I noticed the area where my dog's stuff almost all red!


Anonymous said...

Excellent RT picture. :)

Bambie said...

wow your dog is lucky to have those yummy doggy foods. =)

Vicki ~ FL said...

Nice Ruby Tuesday post....BTW, thanks for your visit.

Have a great RT kind of day!

Hootin Anni said...

Pup corn....never heard of it!! Excellent.

My Ruby T is posted. It's all about turtles today. Have a great week ahead.

marian said...

what a fun pic..btw it's my first RT post too :)

Ladynred said...

What a bright red you've got here. Nice one!

JonJon Rosaleen said...

Owh how sweet!!! I like your notes and also the pic.
Have a wonderful day!

Euronics said...

lovely blog and photos..

Pamela K H said...

Great idea! Red is Red. What breed is your dog? I have a Lhasa Apso.

Stephanie V said...

I'm sure the red stuff makes your dog happy. Pup corn...too cute.

Euronics said...

thanks for the visit! cool pix!

Nukke said...

Nice red containers !

Miranda said...

Great subject!

Anonymous said...

My dog's own area isn't as colorful. Nice choice for RT.

JunieRose2005 said...

Very cool! :)

Thanks for checking me out!


Patti said...

Great find for Ruby Tuesday posting.

Pup corn! You do have a lucky pooch.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Carletta said...

I'd have to be sure to look twice at the writing on the container! :)
Pup corn - nice pun!

Ellie said...

I had no idea it is for a dog until I read your post - I was ready for that cheesy popcorn :)

Liz said...

Nice entry for RT. :)

My entries:
Moms... check nyo

Modern Mom said...

Your dog eats popcorn or it's just the container? :)

Maria@LSS said...

Welcome to RT! Nice rubies you have there.

Cafe au Lait said...

Lucky dog! Happy RT!

Mine are
here and here.

Connie T. said...

Nice ruby tuesday photo.

Oh and peppers are easy to grow.


These are fun to do, aren't they? I've got meme fever! You did great!

Ingrid said...

Nice reds !

Robin said...

Pup corn, love it.

Linnea said...

Good choice; it wasn't that hard to find something red, was it? Hope you play RT weekly. Thanks for visiting mine!

EG CameraGirl said...

I wonder if dogs are attracted to red. ;-)

tilden said...

thanks for stopping by!
you have a great ruby tuesday post here!

tilden talks... said...

welcome to ruby tuesday!

Jim said...

Really good RT stuff here, Becca. I can relate to the meds but my doc says no popcorn anymore.
I've seen your white spiney fellow but can't remember where.
Happy RT! Thank you for peeking in on me.

Askew To You said...

I've got a bunch of those bottles, too. :) My son takes a lot of medicine.