Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive Giveaway

I have to constantly remind myself to be more positive, so this is a great book for me and anyone else who needs that reminder!

Every cloud has a silver lining. With its 101 stories of optimism, faith, and strength, this book will encourage readers to stay positive during challenging times and in their everyday lives. Readers will be inspired by these real-life stories from people just like them, taking a positive attitude to the ups and downs of life, and remembering to be grateful and count their blessings. This book continues Chicken Soup for the Soul's focus on inspiration and hope and its stories remind us that each day holds something to be thankful for. A great start to the New Year.

The book is divided into 10 sections, including Health Challenges, Role Models, Moving Forward, and more.  Every Day a Friday intrigued me with its title!  From it you learn to celebrate every day, not just Fridays!  Breakfast with a Friend is a sweet story about the most unlikely of friendships.  No Complaints drew me in because sometimes I want to remember not to complain.  If the lady in this story could not complain, so can I!

I am pleased to offer a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive - 101 Inspirational Stories about Counting Your Blessings and Having a Positive Attitude to 3 winners.

For your first (and mandatory) entry into this contest, comment with another Chicken Soup book you are interested in. Please make sure to leave your email address in your comments.

To earn extra entries you can (please leave a comment for each additional entry):

1) Become a follower of my blog or let me know if you already follow (you must follow publicly, I have to be able to see you) (2 entries)

2) Become an email subscriber of my blog or let me know if you already subscribe (2 entries)

3) Blog about this contest (and comment with the url)

4) Mention this giveaway on facebook with a link to this post (comment with your facebook name) 

5) Add my button to your sidebar (and comment with the url) (2 entries)

6) Follow my Becca's Contest List blog (2 entries)

7) Follow me on twitter and tweet about the contest using "RT @sbshortie Win Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive!" (comment with your twitter name and the url of your tweet)

8) Become my friend on Facebook (click here and comment with your facebook name)

This contest is open to anyone with a US or Canadian mailing address that is 18+. Contest ends Sunday, May 29th at 11:59 pm pacific time. Winners will be picked and notified by email shortly after.

I was sent a copy of the book to review and the company is sending out the books to the winners.  All opinions are honest and my own.



chicken soup for the dog owner or the one for teen boys mrs.mommyyatgmail


follower mrs.mommyyatgmail

Pat said...

I'd like to read Chicken Soup for the Soul: Shaping the New You.
pkildow at gmail dot com

Suburban prep said...

I would like to read the Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christmas Magic: 101 Holiday Tales of Inspiration, Love, and Wonder

msgb245 at gmail dot com

lisaray said...

I would like to read the Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christmas Magic: 101 Holiday Tales of Inspiration, Love, and Wonder

Barbara Montag said...

I also like this one - Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Cat's Life.
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

I'm a public blog follower! (Barbara Montag)
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

I'm a public blog follower! (Barbara Montag)
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

Mentioned this giveaway on Facebook.
(Barbara Montag)
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

Follow my Becca's Contest List blog
(Barbara Montag)
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

Follow my Becca's Contest List blog
(Barbara Montag)
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

I follow you on Twitter @JalapenoMama and I tweeted.!/JalapenoMama/status/72799559763501056
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

Sent Facebook friend request.
(Barbara Montag)
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Miss Manda said...

Im really interested in this one and the dog's chicken soup for the soul. I have alwayas been my own worst enemy and I need to learn how to change my way of thinking. I also hope to read the dog book because I'm a dog lover!!!

Miss Manda said...

following on gfc, miss manda

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miss manda

Miss Manda said...

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miss manda

Miss Manda said...

following beccas contest blog


miss manda

cstironkat said...

I would like the Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Dog's Life book.

cstironkat said...

#1 I follow you on GFC as cstironkat.

cstironkat said...

#2 I follow you on GFC as cstironkat.

cstironkat said...

I shared on FB (Kelly Ann T)

Anonymous said...

I think my daughter would love the My Dog's Life Book, while I'd love the one in the giveaway...

Miss Manda said...


Karen Greenberg said...

Another Chicken Soup book I am interested in is Country Music.

Miss Manda said...


Christina said...

Christina - - I'd like to read Chicken Soup For The Soul: The Dog. I love this series of books! The entries are all so varied and inspirational!

Unknown said...

Grief and Loss book!
Awesome contest! Thanks a ton! Janna Johnson

mom2girls said...

I am reading Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Cat's Life with my six year old right now and it is SO funny - we are really enjoying it, and the number of times our cat comes and sits with us while we are reading it, I think she likes it to :)

Jacqueline S said...

I would like to read "Shaping the New You" from the Chicken Soup for the soul series

jlas at live dot ca

Jacqueline S said...

I subscribe by email & confirmed

jlas at live dot ca

entry 1

Jacqueline S said...

I subscribe by email & confirmed

jlas at live dot ca

entry 2

Jacqueline S said...

I tweeted about this giveaway via @carsmummy

jlas at live dot ca!/carsmummy/status/74389398652862464

Jacqueline S said...

I sent you a friend request under Jackie S

jlas at live dot ca

Jacqueline S said...

I mentioned this giveaway on my FB wall here:

under Jackie S

jlas at live dot ca

Miss Manda said...


lucky15001 said...

I would like to read Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover.

lucky15001 said...

I am an email subscriber

lucky15001 said...

I follow your blog.

Jenn Spencer said...

i like Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms...a great inspiring book for new moms out there...

How To Make Candles Easy

Jenn Spencer said...

I follow your blog via GFC

Jenn Spencer said...

I subscribed via email. Thanks! :)

How To Make Candles Easy

Diana said...

I like the Book Shaping the new you

Diana said...

I follow this blog on GFC

Diana said...

I follow Becca's List of contests on GFC

Jen P said...

I'd like to have Chicken Soup's Grieving and Recovery book
penguinjo99 at gmail dot com

Jen P said...

GFC follower - 1
penguinjo99 at gmail dot com

Jen P said...

GFC follower - 2
penguinjo99 at gmail dot com

Jen P said...

email subscriber - 1
penguinjo99 at gmail dot com

Jen P said...

email subscriber - 2
penguinjo99 at gmail dot com

Jen P said...

I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted the giveaway
penguinjo99 at gmail dot com!/wilderlady/status/74855616400732160

Jen P said...

GFC follower of Becca's List of Contests - 1
penguinjo99 at gmail dot com

Jen P said...

GFC follower of Becca's List of Contests - 2
penguinjo99 at gmail dot com

Erin Cook said...

I really want Chicken soup for soul: The book of Miracles

Erin Cook said...

like you on facebook Erin Cook

Erin Cook said...

GFC follower Erin Cook

Erin Cook said...

GFC follower #2 Erin Cook

Erin Cook said...

GFC follower of Beccas list blog Erin Cook

Erin Cook said...

Follow Beccas Contest List blog on GFC Erin Cook #2

momtodc said...

I would like chicken soup for the country soul


momtodc said...

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momtodc said...

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Jayfr said...

I am interested in the new book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Country Music, because I like the stories behind the songs (and wish I could write them!)

jayfr at YAH00(D0T)COM

fluerdelyis said...

I am interested in the Chicken Soup for the Soul: True Love Book

treehouse.queen18 (at yahoo dot com)

fluerdelyis said...

email subscriber entry 1
treehouse.queen18 at yahoo dot com

fluerdelyis said...

email subscriber entry 2
treehouse.queen18 at yahoo dot com

kellyr78 said...

I am also interested in the Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms


kellyr78 said...

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kellyr78 said...

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kellyr78 said...

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kellyr78 said...

I Follow Becca's Contest List blog on GFC(kellyr78)

kellyr78 said...

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kellyr78 said...

We are FB friends (kelly D)

Anonymous said...

I am interested in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story behind the Song.