5/25/09 - My new friend Kelly at Parenting Princesses gave me my very first blog award today. There are no words for how exciting this is. My dad said, "What do you get?" And I said, "I don't get anything...when have you ever seen me so excited to not get anything?"

The rules for accepting the award are as follows:
1. Accept the award and post it on your blog, along with the name and link of the person who sent it to you.
2. Pass the award to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered, then contact them to let them know you have passed it along.
Jennifer at Rundpinne
Anissa at Our Chaotic Life
Sarah at I Blame My Mother
Dee at Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House
Jennifer at J. Leigh Designz
Rob at Peanut Butter and Smelly's Dad
Shannon at The Mommy-Files
Tara at Not So Perfect
Amy at Coffee With The Mrs.
Stacy at Stacy's Random Thoughts
Amy at Keeping up with the Schultz Family
Toni at A Daily Does of Toni
Liz at Lizzy Dear's Life Reviews
Jennifer at Eighty MPH Mom
Annette at Fairy Blog Mother
Awww thanks! I'm so glad to think you find my blog lovely! It means a lot!
I know you do recipe swap Monday but you can find a few recipes on my site too! I'm going to be putting new ones up every sunday!
Hey Thanks Becca.. How very sweet and kind of you! It's always nice to know that people actually stop by my blog..even if its just for 3 seconds :)
Thank you!! I'm glad you enjoy stopping by. I like you recipe swap. Puppy Chow is addicting :)
You are so sweet Becca. I'm going to put it up on my site today :)
Thanks again!
Thank you sooo much for thinking about me!!
Thats so sweet!
Congrats on the award! This is such a touching thing to see; it's just as lovely to see other people accepting the awards as it is to give and receive it! :-)
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