OMG, Haven't played since January! My question this week is: Do you play the lottery?
One of my friends got me into the Mega Millions lottery. It is across many states, and is often over $100,000,000!!! I also buy the occasional scratcher. So far, I haven't won any money on the bi-weekly drawings, but I do occasionally win on scratchers.
I'm also taking part in Friday Follow. Please follow my blog and leave a link so I can follow yours. Thanks to One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families, and Midday Escapades.
I don't play it ever. I don't know why.
Lottery is against the law here. Can you stand it? When you win don't forget moi your BFF! ROFLMAO
I've only bought lottery tickets for drawings a few times- when it goes up to crazy amounts of money, but never won any of those.
I also occasionally buy scratch-off tickets. I don't think I've ever won anything over about $20. I actually bought one this weekend because I found $2 in the car while my DH was pumping gas and we won $7! Woo! I'm rich! lol
no i dont play it
No, never play it.
I don't, never really have the desire but hubby does once in a while.
I don't play it. I just think of playing.
I play Powerball every once in a while. I played Wednesday and won $4. HA HA
nope.. I've never won anything so i don't even bother.. i rather keep the money and save them up.. that's secure savings:D
Happy Friday and here's my Aloha!
I have never played, and I don't know why??
Only once in a blue moon have I bought lottery tickets. It's been quite a few years since the last time I bought any! :)
I am following you from FF...have a great weekend...
easy question for me... No.
My Aloha Friday Link for you
We only buy lotto tickets from time to time. That reminds me I was going to play for the latest prize, but if I don't not going to sweat it.
No but, I seem to win the Swiss one a lot :)
Have a great Friday!
Nope, never...but my dad is convinced his lottery investment is gonna pay off and he's going to win one day. :)
My husband does. If it is a 'big one' and unfortunately he is somewhat addicted to the scratch tickets! I personally never buy them. I'd love to win big though!
I'm in a syndicate at work , but will often play the euromillions as well. I keep dreaming I'm going to win, but that will only happen if I buy a ticket!
No, I actually live in the only state where gambling is illegal and we don't have a lottery. My husband travels to work and he's been known to buy an occasional ticket.
no...did win $20 on my birthday from a scratch off once...
Never play lottery. I do win radio call in shows every so often.
When the jackpot gets large we'll usually buy a ticket or two. It isn't a regular thing though.
We buy lottery tickets sometimes, but not every week like we used to. We've won a few times playing Lotto, Play 4 and Cash 3. We've also won with scratch offs.
Hello from FF! I dont play the lottery ( although I seem to win win millions in the Ziare National Lotter via email each day...LOL)
Have a great weekend!
I haven't played since my Dad passed away three years ago.
Newest follower from Friday Follow.
We don't play it.
I don't play! I hope you have a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Y'know, we never play the lottery... I get tickets for my birthday from family, but the most I've ever won was $10.
I don't know why we don't play... I suppose it's just not worth the effort.
We don't play and never have.
Happy Aloha Friday!
My husband plays the lottery on occasion but I have actually never bought a ticket.
Happy Friday Follow and Aloha Friday! I also need to get back to buying lottery tickets. You can't win if you don't buy a ticket, right? Good luck to us both!
I buy them once in a while. I used to buy them weekly. I once picked 5 of 6 numbers in the lotto and won $853. I've also won $50 and $25 on scratchers once or twice. I don't play very often anymore. It's been a while since I've won anything.
Good luck!
No. I put my $ in a piggy bank.
Nope, we don't play. I played a couple times when I first turned 18, and I won a couple dollars each time. lol Hubs loves scratchers, so I'll buy a few once in a while for him, but he's never won much.
I played with my coworkers when the jackpot was huge. Other than that not too often!
Have a great weekend!
once in awhile!!!:) Aloha
I have only played the lottery once, that was enough for me.
Happy Aloha Friday and FF!
Deal Daddy
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
I think I bought a lottery ticket once when I was in college. Didn't win anything.
Sorry i'm late, thanks for stopping and following me! I don't play the lottery very often, i might by a sratch off every now and then. I just don't think i'll win, but someone's got to right? lol
Sorry i'm late, thanks for stopping and following me! I don't play the lottery very often, i might by a sratch off every now and then. I just don't think i'll win, but someone's got to right? lol
Sorry i'm late, thanks for stopping and following me! I don't play the lottery very often, i might by a sratch off every now and then. I just don't think i'll win, but someone's got to right? lol
About a month ago we started playing every week. We teamed up with some friends and we play together to split the pot. I hope if they ever win they will be honest and share, maybe we should have a contract written up...lol!
I use to & still do every once in awhile. I just hate making a donation to the state of Ohio..
Stopping by from Friday Follow. I am your newest follower.
Following you from Friday Follow.
Jeanette Huston
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