Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog . Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.
My question is:
What pets do you have? If you don't have any pets, do you want them?
Right now I just have 1 dog, his name is Argus. He is a Husky / Golden Retriever mix. When I get back from my vacation in 2 weeks, I am going to look into getting new lizards.
This is a really old pic of Argus from 5.5 years ago:

I have a dog--I want another one, but we're going to wait a bit til our son is older.
Two cats-a boy and a girl. I will probably always have a cat.
We have an extremely pampered indoor only cat, who happens to think she owns us.
We have a dog and 2 cats, and that suits me just fine for now!!
I have a little pain in the tuckus dog (she is a SNORKIE) who is now 3 years old and acts like she is still a puppy. But I love her.
We don't have any pets at the moment. I have a 3 year old and 9 month old twins, it's crazy enough around here. I wouldn't mind getting a dog when the kids are older.
he's cute!!!
have a great weekend :)
I'm owned by a Jack Russell that is as calm as a cat. Unless you ask her where her toy is, then she gets really excited, or point at her and then she'll growl at you. She really doesn't like being pointed at!
No I don't have any pets...but wish we could.. My son is allergic!!! We could have a fish..but I am afraid my son will hurt it hahah
we have fish :)
Right now...no pets. Just my son :o)
I have none...I wish I had a dog. YOur's is great...really great photo of him. Thanks so much for stopping by my playground :)
No, I like them at zoo only
We are pet free right now. My husband is big into reptiles, so when we have more room I think he wants to get an iguana or something. I'd love a kitten.
Hmm...no pets, but every time the kids throw the contents of their dinner plates on the floor, I wish I had a dog!!
A dog and some fish.
We may get another dog.
My boys are still really young, and we have a small house. I grew up with birds for pets and would like a parakeet or cockatiel one day (had those and two cockatoos).
I have one dog now, used to have two dogs. I kind of like cats sometimes, but my daughter just really doesn't care for cats at all.
we have a pug. awesome dog. love him to death!
Aww cute dog! We have two sister cats, Keelo and Maple. I love animals. Once we buy a house of our own we're getting a Boxer puppy. Always grew up with Boxers, love them.
I have 2 dogs...and we are trying to find a home for one...and if we do then we don't want any more. Maybe if we ever move to the country, but in town its too hard!
We have a cat and a fish..I know, great combination. We really want a large dog, but we are going to wait until my youngest is about 5 years old.
we have one kittie cat. which is more than enough!
We don't have any pets...we actually gave our puppy dog to my parents because she started to grow too big for our townhouse with no yard -- she's happy in a BIG yard now :)
We have 4 Boxers--Salvador, Izabella, Delilah and Millicent and a Bichon --Oscar, that thinks he's a boxer.
We don't have any pets. I would love to have a dog in a way, but it would definitely be outdoors. I don't care for pets in the house. We are allergic to cats, so that is not an option!
We have a cat. She's a good kitty and super loving. I wish I had a dog though!
Our last dog died about 6 yrs ago. But soon after that, our son "shipped" his cat (actually an ex-girlfriend's cat) to us in Virginia all the way from CA - to "babysit" because his new apt. complex did not allow pets! LOL ~ It is 5 yrs. later and we are still "babysitting"??? Guess you could say she IS our pet now! Also have a "grand-dog" - his name is Bruce and he's a shitzu and adorable!!
I don't have any pets as yet but I want a dog and dh wants a cat so it's kind of a stand off...we'll let the kids decide :)
I'd love a little puppy.. my husband and i used to have 2 sweet cats before moving to Germany, but we needed to leave them to Grandma and move here. Yet we'd love a puppy right now.. one that can't get big once he grows cause we live in a 1bedroom rental:)
fellow Aloha Friday girl here
We have 3 hairy dogs!
We have a dog, 7 cats, 2 kittens, 40 chickens, 50 goats.
2 dogs, one cat and a fishtank!
Thanks for the link! We have a dog, a kitty and a bunny. Good pets, all!
Nice dog!
I do not have a dog of my own. I am borrowing my mother's dog right now while she is on vacation but I have to give him back on Sunday :(
I really want a dog but my fiance is making me wait until we have a house. So hopefully in a couple of years I can get a cute little Pomeranian.
i wish i had a dog. but i know it'd be unfair to the dog... i'm not around enough to give it the time, energy and attention it deserves
We have a black minature schnauzer named Lucy. She is our middle child...and I love her so!
cute dog! We have a 9 yo rescued greyhound and we love having a dog. I like cats and would have one but my husband doesn't like them :(
I don't have any pets but I DO want a chocolate lab when we are able to buy a house with a fenced in yard. :)
I have a black lab, Gunner, a golden retriever, Whiskey, a gray sable cat, Sady and a 'bob'cat, Dickens.
Argus is CUUUUTE!
I have 2 dogs and I would even more if my husband would let me!
Argus is a lovely dog. I have a black labrador named Bruno, 4 lovebirds and several fish.
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