Audrey at Recipe Tips and Hints and I are giving away a 3 piece Tupperware FreezeSmart Containers set.
For your first (and mandatory) entry into this contest, tell me what I would see if I opened your freezer right now. Please make sure to leave your email address in your comments.
To earn extra entries you can (please leave a comment for each additional entry):
1) Become a follower of my blog or let me know if you already follow (please don't do anonymous, i have to be able to see you)
2) Become an email subscriber of my blog or let me know if you already subscribe
3) Blog about this contest (and comment with the url)
4) Follow me on twitter and tweet about the contest (comment with your twitter name and the url of your tweet)
5) Make a purchase from Audrey's site (not mandatory but worth 5 extra entries so leave 5 comments!)
This contest is open to anyone with a US mailing address that is 18+. Contest ends Sunday, June 14th at noon pacific time. Winner will be picked and notified by email shortly after.
1 – 200 of 260 Newer› Newest»My freezer is crammed with chicken pieces, ground beef, breaded chicken tenders, Marie Callenders chicken pot pies, frozen yogurt, rainbow sherbet, butter, frozen veggies, etc...
I'm following you on Twitter & tweeted: http://twitter.com/amylou61/status/2004237867
If you were to go into my freezer you would find~Ice Cubes~Ice Cream~Hamburger~Butter and Veggies!!
I now follow you
hamburger and steak.
Shrimp, salmon eggs, hamburger, chicken, steaks, and of course sugar free Fudgcicles!!!!
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net
homemade bread, frozen veggies, some fish, soy "sausage" patties, frozen pizza, ice cubes, trader joe prepared foods (pasta dishes, enchiladas), brown sugar, baking soda, yeast, waffles, pancakes, frozen fruit, german breads.
On my I hope no one opens my freezer its so messy I have ice cream, meat, veggies and frozen tomato sauce and I am sure there is much more but I can't see in the way back.
20 pounds of frozen chicken, 5 pounds of pork, 3 Icecube trays and 15 bags of frozen veggies- and one box of chocolates -I'm savoring one candy at a time.
I subscribed. My refrigerator just broke yesterday so you would find nothing in my freezer. It started making noises lately and yesterday it was so loud you couldn't hear yourself talk! Then it just quit! So that's that.
You'd see frozen fruit and lots of containers of leftovers.
In my freezer:
Boca Burgers
Naked Quorn cutlets
Dole Frozen Strawberries
Breyer's Fat Free Ice Cream Chocolate
Weight Watcher Chocolate Chip Muffins
Perdue Chicken (for Hubby)
Tons of Boca and Morning star products)
Frozen Veggies
LeslieVeg is following you on Twitter and left a tweet
hmm a mess- blue bunny ice cream..hidden chunky monkey...
lots of containers of ???????
ribs, ice cubes, tamales, roast
Aahh. Scary question!! Mine is full of the following... Frozen pizzas, ground beef, ground buffalo, a box of blueberries, elk steaks, a bag of ice and a box of ice cream that should really be tossed.
Thanks for the giveaway.
My freezer currently has Stouffer's French bread pizzas, Breyer's Dulce de Leche ice cream, ground beef, stir fry beef, strawberries we picked ourselves, boxes of frozen veggies, an old bag of frozen blueberries that should be thrown out, a bucket of cookie dough of indeterminate age, Pedialyte pops, Dr. Pepper pops, and several ice packs for boo-boos. Whew!
A disorganized mess. Made a Costco run, got lots of freezer items. They are crammed in wherever they will fit.
My freezer is a jumbled mess. I have ice cream, waffles, various meats, vegetables, and pizza. Thanks for the giveaway!
You'd find vegetables, meat,and frozen fruit.
basically ice cream and frozen dinners :)
You'd see lots of ice - I need to defrost - chicken breasts, butter and blueberries.
chicken veggies ham bone for soup ice
Well, there's a frozen pizza, garlic bread, hamburger, steak, sausage, chicken nuggets, ice cream, ice pops, waffles, strudels, bakeshop swirls, frozen veggies, french fries, ice packs...the list could go on, it's pretty packed in there.
Y^ou would see chicken, meat and frozen veggies and containers of things I have to eventually throw out.
The freezer has some lasagna, pasta sauce, vegetables, and ice cream (lowfat of course!).
wolfcarol451 at gmail dot com
I subscribe.
wolfcarol451 at gmail dot com
A mess! We've got frozen veggies, home made popsicles, chicken, ground turkey and the amazing premade foods from Trader Joe's.
In my freezer there is frozen pizza, ice cream, chicken, hamburger, frozen veggies and frozen fruit. Thank you for the chance!
zedthewizard at gmail dot com
ice cubes and coffee
You would see lots of frozen veggies and fruits,ice cream of course and a big bag of frozen chicken breasts.
4 ice cube trays, two boxes of organic waffles, 4 Amy's entrees,1/2 pkg of pizza rolls, 1/2 package of chicken nuggets, pkg of tater tots, and three steaks.
Alicia Webster
my freezer has ice cubes, baby food purees in ice cube trays, frozen veggies, leftover lunch portions, ICE CREAM, pasta sauce, chocolate chips, corn tortillas, and various cold packs
please enter me in the giveaway
sarina at scualum dot com
You'd actually see alot of junk- 1/2 bags of potatoes, raviolis, bread, partial carton of ice cream, ect. Noone ever finishes anythinmg- I don't get it!
you would see alot of meat that we bought at a good price and sealed in reynolds vacuum bags
I huge mess right now!!!! Lots of chicken, steak and pork chops and veggies
Right now in my freezer you'd find a lot of cheese, bread, beef and chicken. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
Lots of unidentifiable packages, some leftovers, some drumsticks (ice cream), ice cubes, etc.
my freezer is not a mess but not organized to good. i freeze in bags and write on them, but things do not stay fresh, we just pulled some steaks out and bar bue cued them and they tasted old, money down the drain. thanks for the giveaway.
You would see ice cream and neatly packaged meats
Ice trays and frozen meat!
I have an up right freezer and right now there is half a beef in it and in the fridge freezer...I'll let you know when I know!
My freezer is full of Meat, Chicken, Casseroles and Soups. Thanks for the chance.
you'd see boxes of frozen food in disarray
Let's see: Hamburger,hot dogs,pork roast,pork chops,chicken,frozen spagheyyi sauce,french fries,pierogies,ice cream and popsicles.
First of all, stand back, I can't be held responsible for anything that might fall out on you! Let's see, there's ice cream, Taquitos, hamburger, chicken, Stouffers Mac & Cheese, butter, veggies, pizza.
With frozen peas and edamame,
My freezer's full of stuff that's yummy,
Things in bags are scary or swell,
With freezer burn who can tell?
I have a freezer full of meats and veggies that I store in Tupperware- the best product to keep my food fresh!
You would see that I'm quite organized.
Everything is dated.
I have a lot of freezer meals that I made myself.
my freezer doesn't work, so it's empty!
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
I reall don't have freezer containers yet only a few thing for a freezer.
A pie and green beans :/
In mine right now is meats, vegies, ice cream, TV dinners to much to keep track of and all in a mess LOL
You would see ice cream, waffles, veggies, frozen fruit, popsicles and a pizza crust.
My freezer is jam packed with veggies, frozen dinners, chicken, frozen yogurt and who knows what else.
I follow your blog.
You would see a jam packed freezer - some healthy choice meals, freezer jam (homemade!), frozen chicken and meats, frozen veggies, etc. I wish I had a bigger freezer!
kkondek at gmail.com
New follower!
kkondek at gmail.com
Tweet! @ktkatherine
kkondek at gmail.com
If you opened my freezer right now, you would find a whole chicken, banana popsicles, jelly belly freezer pops, porkchops, and two trays of ice.
If you opened my freezer right now, you would find a whole chicken, banana popsicles, jelly belly freezer pops, porkchops, and two trays of ice.
Hi again,
I am now following you on Twitter,sorry cannot get the url thing to work, but my Twitter name is atti2ude
Thank you for the invite!
LOL - a mess! There are probably 4 or more bags of corn, beans, french fries and tater tots with only about 1 serving in them. There's coffeee, leftover cake frosting, ice cream, and lots of unidentifiable stuff!
Well you could eat out of my freezer for a couple of weeks and not have to shop.. I know that there are a couple of containers of, tortilla soup..(yummy), Chili, Premade Taco Meat, Several containers of already browned ground chuck with onion and garlic, frozen chicken breasts. Johnny Marzetti, Meatloaf.. I tend to cook for too many people then I freeze it.
Oh there is some great Homemade Vegetable Beef soup but that might be gone by tomorrow.. sounds good.
Thanks for the chance.
I am a email subscriber,
itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com
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You would see a ton of frozen meat and loaves of bread.
What you would see if you opened my freezer right now is alot of freezer bags with food that was cooked on the grill a couple of weeks ago,frozen pizza,bagged vegetables and ice cream containers.
Our freezer is full of deer meat, pizza, and popsicles :)!
You'd see one container of ice cream, a box of waffles, and some ice cubes. I have to go shopping this weekend
i follow on google
i subscribe
It depends on which freezer you open. My kitchen freezer has ice and ice cream/popsicles. Laundryroom one has hotdogs,hamburger and french fries, and some breakfast freezer goodies...Deep freeze has all sorts of things from meats to veggies in vacuum packed bags! Thanks
Follow on twitter as sleatham1
and tweeted at http://twitter.com/sleatham1/status/2050039783
I follow your blog..publicly!
I subscribe via email!
Sweetie, if you opened my freezer right now you'd see a bunch of frozen pizza's and two things of icecream.
thanks for the contest.
If you were to look in my freezer right now, you would find a lot of berries that we picked years ago but never turned into Jelly (all freezerburned now)
Some hash browns (freezer burned)
A fair bit of meat (freezer burned)
and a lot of ingredients to interesting and unique recipies that nobody ever got around to or freezer burned before any of us had the chance to make it.
My freezer is the killer of foodstuffs.
Hannah at Live0long0and0prosper@msn.com
My freezer is chock full of otter pops, ravioli, ice cream and ice.
You'd see lots of frozen pizza, some chicken nuggets, and ice cream.
you would see some old ice cubes, and some half eaten quarts of ice cream (one's mine & one's my husbands)
Not much because I recently cleaned it out, just some bagels and ice packs.
You would see hamburger meat.
I'm a follower
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ground beef and orange juice concentrate
Chicken, pork, meatballs & tater tots.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
Bosco sticks, chicken nuggets, hamburgers, popsicles, peas, corn, broth from roast, ice cream and ice are all in my freezer right now! I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting at themoment. Sorry!
bs.webster at sbcglobal dot net
You'd see one big scary mess, to sum it all up quickly. :)
You would see a vast expanse of plastic packages in no particular order
If you opened up the freezer right now you would see a mess! On top I think you would see bread and chickenburgers :P
teagirl1 at telus dot net
Lots of packaged left overs for my husbands lunches. He won't take a sandwich to work, a meat and potato man.
about 75% is nothing but mini pizzas and other "pizza" stuff because that is all my boyfriend eats. The rest is ice cream and chicken
If you opened my freezer right now you would be appalled at the amount of frozen pizzas! My husband is a picky eater and that's his favorite food so we tend to keep a lot on hand. There are other things in there but still, mostly pizza unless it's mine.
You could find ice cubes, ice packs, a package of frozen ground beef, ice cream (that we just bought last night) and lots of popcicles. That's about it. (I just cleaned it out a few weeks ago.)
Um, you would wonder how I fit all that stuff in my freezer. I've got lots of fruit frozen for smoothies, meat, tater tots, waffles, ice cream......
What would you see in my refrigerator? Eggs, butter, margarine, lettuce, salad dressings, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise. There's a stalk of celery I'm going to use in a soup I'm going to make. There are apples and oranges too. We havent' much in the way of leftovers, we used them all up.
May Schultz
My freezer is filled with Morning Star vegetarian meals for my son who decided last year that eating meat was not a good thing. I am looking forward to this stage in his life being over with. Very expensive.
My freezer is pretty well organized. On the bottom shelf you'll find meat, poultry ice cream. On the top shelf you'll find veggies, pasta and bread. asthenight at gmail dot com
You would find frozen chicken breasts and raspberries.
a lot of lean cuisines & smart ones!
autumn398 (at) yahoo.com
burgers, buns, chicken breasts, freeze pops, veggie burgers and ice of course
You would find Meats frozen like chicken breasts, porkchops, fish. You would also find 2 tubs of icecream and some icecream sandwiches. You would find veggie, pizza and frenchfries.
Chicken, Hamburger Meat, Hot Dogs, bread, and bacon!
selinda_mccumbers at yahoo.com
well first you would have to be careful when you open up the freezer door that nothing falls out and hits your foot. lol
i have strawberry jam, hamburger,chicken, pork tenderloin,blueberries
i am a subsribser throughemail
I am a public followr of yours through Google Friend connect.
In my freezer you would see popsicles and ice cream--it is hot here in Texas!
I subscribe to your email
A huge mess! Mozzarella sticks, IQF shrimp, deer meat, salmon filets, Blue Bell ice cream, ice packs, ice cubes, green giant broccoli/cheese rice and a huge assortment of hand packaged veggies from the garden last year (squash, butterbeans, black eyed peas, okra, corn).
My freezer has a bag of chicken breasts, some chicken nuggets, bread, ice cream, and shredded cheese. I think there is some margarine sticks and freeze pops in there too.
Have to use em for leftovers. It's a must with kids
I blogged: http://fibrofoggy.blogspot.com/2009/06/win-tupperware.html
Well, I don't have much in my freezer.. a bag of mixed vegies, a bag of ice, a Pampered Chef chilzane thingie, frozen blackberries, a box of Arm and Hammer, an ice pack, and thats about it.. pathetic huh?
You would barely be able to tell what is in there but there are some chicken nuggets, chicken breasts, veggies, and popsicles as well as a tray of ice cubes.
You would see fruit, veggies, meat and a few casseroles. Oh and ice cream.
Let's see... our freezer has meat... a lot of it, bread, cheesecake, surprisingly no ice-cream, broccoli, and your typical frozen dinners.
We have a shelf of meat, lots of pizza and frozen diners
My freezer has lots of chicken and ground turkey in it right now and it's also warm outside, so we have fudge-cicles in there too. Thanks for the chance. iclipalso(at)yahoo(dot)com
You'd see lots of stuff frozen in plastic bags and yummy popsicles!
Frozen chicken, ham steak, hamburger, buns, ice cream, organic toddler meals, choc chips, coconut, nuts, butter, ice cubes, pie crust, frozen veggies, frozen berries, and stuffed pasta.
hungry yet?
A tray of ice, vanilla and mango ice cream, frozen strawberries, and frozen enchiladas! Thanks for the giveaway!
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
i am having a baby in 3.5 weeks so if you opened my freezer you would find it full of meals. i have 13 meals as well as our current groceries (waffles, ice cream, french fries, ice cubes.) neenee838@yahoo.com
i subscribe via email. neenee838@yahoo.com
I bag of boneless chicken breasts, tombstone pizza , ice cubes,TGIF buffalo wings.Its a sad looking freezer. armani25@hotmail.com
If you looked in my freezer right now you'd see a lot of ground sirloin from a recent deal, ice cream, popsicles, chicken, pork, corn, mixed veggies, etc.
We have been on a diet lately so inside my freezer you will find chicken breast, fish and lots nad lots of vegetables.
Thank you so much for the chacne to win.
I am following your blog via Google reader.
5 quarts of ice cream (all opened) and a bunch of unopened frozen veggies. Great priorities, huh?
Our freezers are packed full of meat and veggies, so you'd have to open it carefully and step back quickly!
You would see 3 frozen pizzas, 6 different bags of frozen veggies, a family size case of brats (from 2 years ago that my husband will neither eat nor toss some french toast sticks and a 6 pack of ice pops.
You would see 3 bags of ice. 2 bags of pork chops, 2 bags of peas, 1 bag of tomatoes. l large bag of popcycle sticks. I have a small freezer. The freezer over my 'friege has my week to week meats, shrimp, chicken fingers, hamburger meat, catfish fingers, chicken livers and gizzards, lemomade,struddles, pizza,left over pototo soup and by tonight I will have new bags of fresh butter beans I will putup today. Thank you for the giveaway, I love Tupperwear.ybutler@oppcatv.com
Well, I'm a nursing mom, so I have quite the stash of breast milk in the freezer! You'd also find ice cream, chicken nuggets, Kashi Frozen dinners and homemade soup. Our freezer is pretty empty at the moment as we prepare to move!
My freezer has too many ice cubes, ice cream, homemade lasagna, fish nuggets, chicken nuggets, strawberries, and a frozen dinner.
You would see a lot of elk steak and elk burger! My hubby hunts :0)
In my deep freezer, you would find a lot of frozen homemade tomato juice, corn, blackberries & cantaloupe from last year's garden!
You would find lots of baggies of meat, some ice cream, ice cubes, veggies, fruit, and waffles.
ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
I have a side to side refrigerator. My freezer has shelves. On shelf has three boxes of frozen pizza neatly stacked. The next shelf has a round tub of butter, little baggies of leftovers, frozen meat, fish, cheese. I.m almost embarrassed to say but after I shop I just shove things in the freezer without rearranging. Yesterday, when I opened the freezer door,a one pound frozen mozzarella came flying out and hit me in the knee. Ouch, that smarts.
I subscribe by email.
ice, icecream, popsicles, a few bags of frozen vegges and 2 whole shelves full of tinfoil wrapped meat.. everything imaginable and you never know what it is until you open it up
My freezer is full of meat and I just bought me a half gal. of Ice Cream tonight. I buy things on sale and try to stock up so you'd have to open it slowly in hopes nothing would fall out.
I am a follower.
I blogged about this hon.
I follow you on twitter and I tweeted----
You would see a lot of pizzas
Not much a couple of cookie favors from my daughters Christening ice pops a package of pork chops and big pretzels yummy!!
well... since I just defrosted the big freezer last month... we'll go with that one... ;-)
ground beef, chicken, 2 beef roasts, ice trays & veggies...
Leftovers from too many nights eating in (spaghetti, pork chops)
what a cute give away!! If you opened my freezer right now you would see lots of Marie Callender frozen TV dinners; they had a great sale of them at the store so we loaded up for quick meals. Othewise, you'd see some frozen veggies, ice cream and breakfast sandwiches.
you would see frozen leftovers in individual containers for work day lunches
Lots & lots of meat. My uncle is moving and gave us a huge amount of stuff from his freezer.
chicken, beef, bread, bagels, vegetables, french fries. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com
You'd find chicken, beef, hot dogs, veggies, fruit and bread. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
My freezer is full of beef and chicken and some ice cream
Living in Idaho my freezer is always full of deer, elk, and trout.
my freezer is full of chicken, tilapia, stirfry, ice cream, and pizzas
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
blog follower
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
email subscriber melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
Frozen strawberries, veggies, pizza, stirfry, strawberry icecream, salmon.
Frozen dinners (because I hate to cook) pizza rolls, wings, Ice cream and toaster studel
Its kinda a mess! There is Chicken breasts, Hamburger, Tv dinners, bread, some tupperware containers, ice cream, other frozen meals, juice, frozen lime salad, meat loaf, etc.
I subscribe via email.
you would see lots of freezer bags of meat and vegetables, a pizza, flour, bread, baking soda, ice cude trays, and popsicles
i follow
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A ridiculous amount of frozen yogurt and ice cream. All of my housemates seem to hoard the stuff.
fishercl at email dot unc dot edu
Ours is filled with ice cream, fish sticks, vegetables and pizzas.
pizza and pizza
My freezer is in desperate need of restocking. It only contains ice, bread, a bag of broccoli, box of baking soda (freezer freshness air flow through), 5 ice chest/cooler gel packs.
susannaph at cox dot net
My Deep freezer is full of Beef. I just picked up a full side of beef from the meat locker plant, yesterday! It was so much meat. I was afraid I was going to have to get rid of some of my Schwan's Food Service items. JeansandTs@hotmail.com
My freezer has hot pockets, pizza and pork chops.
Mine has bread, meat, meals, ice cream.
You would see a lot of ice cream and vegetables. My aunts keep buying them, overrunning freezer
weblynx at hotmail.com
Well if I tell the truth, you'd see a MESS!!! I have tons of things just thrown in and crammed in. And lots of things that need to be thrown out! But there's some meat, some ice cream, some veggies, some left over curry stuff from a party I went to last year...you get the idea!
In my freezer right now -- ice cream, a Stouffers family sized lasagna, tater caps, ice bags (for the kids lunch bags and my husband's lunch tote), frozen peas, popsicles and butter.
If you opened my freezer right now you would see mostly ice cream! lol I have to go shopping today to fill it up!
Became a follower! :)
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Twitter ID: CinemaSista
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In my freezer I have fish sticks, blueberries, and more split chicken breasts than I can count.
I follow.
My freezer is full of frozen chicken breasts and frozen veggies!
I follow you :)
Frozen food.
I subscribe.
A whole stack of lean cuisine, frozen meat, and random baking ingredients!
You would see steaks, chicken breasts, ground sirloin, cooked diced chicken, lots of veggies, waffles, blueberries, pizzas and bread.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
My freezer has chocolate chip and blueberry waffles, hot dogs, ice cream, fish, french fries, vegetables, candy bars, frozen rolls.
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
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mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
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mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
You'd see a mess! It is full of hamburgers and hot dogs for family gatherings, and gallons of ice cream for me!
My freezer is filled with ice cream, green chile and meat.
If you opened my freezer now, you would see steaks,ice cream, frozen
vegetables, hamburger, and pot pies.
george ferris
In my freezer I have ice cream, ice cubes, veggies and bread :-)
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