Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog . Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.
My question is:
Do you like to drive?
Do you like to drive?
I had to drive about 2 hours to get to my grandparent's house tonight and I just don't enjoy driving at all!!!!! I don't mind being in the car so much, just don't like being the driver.
(Be sure to enter my Fancy Fortune Cookie giveaway while you're here.)
(Be sure to enter my Fancy Fortune Cookie giveaway while you're here.)
I LOVE to drive. I'm always the one who drives.
I love to drive! Especially listening to music and by myself. It's peaceful.
It depends on the traffic, where I am going, how tired I am etc. Sometimes I like driving. Sometimes I really do not.
Not as much as I used to. I commute 40 minutes each way every day and it gets old. I'd must rather drive than walk though. :)
I love driving, and like Stacie, especially when I am alone and listen to music!
I don't mind it. Of late, its been a real pain driving to and from work. I usually have a 3 hour commute per day. But the other day with the rainstorm, it took me 2 hours to get home! ACK!
I actually do like driving. Usually, when I'm driving, it's because hubby's not around and I need to go somewhere that can't wait until he can drive me. I have to say...it's nice to have control of the radio!
Not a whole lot.
Not really. Well I we only have one car right now and it is a truck and I don't like to drive it but I loved to drive when I had a car.
Not really. I get really flustered on the road. I'd rather be drive so I can control the radio and take pictures of things.
I don't mind driving...it gets me where I want to go. But if I am going with hubby, he drives and I help. LOL
I don't love driving, esp. long distances. But I don't love when my husband drives either - lol
I love to drive. I used to take long road trips before I had kids.
I don't have my driver's license! I'm 34 and never had one. I'm totally lame.
Depends on where I am going and the weather! I hate driving in rain.
I like driving short distances, but I can't sit still long enough to drive long distances
No, I really don't like to drive. When I was younger I loved road trips, either with a good friend or just by myself with great music.
I love driving! The added bonus is that if my kids are with me they are strapped down and out of trouble! If they are not with me then I completely rock out and sing to all my favorites on the radio. Driving is some really good me time!
I used to love to drive and wouldn't think anything about making an 8 hour trip alone. Now with 3 kids, driving isn't what it used to be! I don't even get to listen to my own music :o)
Not for long trips.
I love driving and prefer it to flying.
Yes, I love to drive. I drive everywhere. The furthest I've driven is from Va to Co for spring break back in '96. I love to sing along to my music and enjoy the scenery. Have a great weekend and take care.
I like to drive, however it makes me very sleepy so I tend to let my husband drive on long trips. ;-)
I should hope to shout since I do it for a living :) Aloha
I love to drive, am the worst passenger in the world!!
I love to drive but when we go out as a family my husbands insists on driving, guy thing I guess. Also I should since my Dad owns a drivers training school for teens!
Back when I was in college I used to drive all over the place to hockey games. I also would drive alone to where hubby used to live when we were dating (4 hours away). These day I am not too into driving.
I drive more out of necessity than for enjoyment. I do enjoy it when I am in the car alone, just because I don't get much alone time these days. But I can't say that I particularly enjoy the driving itself.
Yes I love to drive. :) I'm getting better at it since getting my drivers license and I hope to get as good as dh.
I don't really drive. I'm thankful my hubby is always glad to drive me around.
I absolutely LOVE to drive!
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