Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni is graciously hosting a 30-day meme to help us all get to know each other better. She has a theme for each day so that we can post something about ourselves. There are a good number of us participating so far. I'm excited to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and also to let others know more about me.
Day 6 - Most Treasured Item
I am not a very materialistic person so this is kind of hard for me. I guess I would have to say my laptop. I use it for hours each day and take it most places with me. The hard drive recently died and I was not a happy camper. I wish this most treasured item of mine treasured me as much as I treasure it.

My laptop and I never had this kind of relationship. I had always hoped we would, but we never did bond. I just couldn't break away from my desktop - even when it was still running Windows 2000 up until last November! I *finally* got myself a refurbished Dell running Vista - and I love it. My poor laptop is designated to travel and if I feel I need to leave this chair. lol
I felt that way about my old laptop, but this new Toshiba and I never bonded. Of course, we've also gotten a family iPad since then, so she probably never really had a chance, poor thing ;)
I was going to put my laptop too! All my friends are in here :) xx
What did we do without computers?
My MacBook, iPhone, iPad are pretty treasured but I think I could live without them. Maybe not!!
Good post.
Hi Becca, great blog you have here! I lurve my laptop too. I left it behind at a presentation and panicked when I returned and it wasn't there, but thankfully a colleague had picked it up for me. Phew! Thanks for entering my giveaway and following me on Goodreads and Facebook. Jen xx
I love my computer, laptop, iPad, iPhone - all those gadgets... I would be loss without them for sure. I spend a few weeks a year though, where I don't so much as lay a finger on any of them. Kind of a detox. lol
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