I am feeling really overwhelmed with everything I have to do, even though most of it is fun stuff!!!
So I thought I would just share that I got my first blood blister (on my finger) this morning. I have no idea how it happened, but it kinda hurts! And my other finger felt bad so I cut it with a knife!
But don't feel too sorry for me...it's really small!!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Reading Glasses Shopper Review and Giveaway
Thankfully, I do not need reading glasses yet (I can hardly imagine that day since my prescription is something like 20/800). But, my mom has been wearing reading glasses for a few years now. I was so excited when I was contacted to do a review and giveaway for Reading Glasses Shopper and my mom readily agreed to do the review part. Below is her review (can you tell she is a blogger and writer herself?)
"I was so excited when my daughter told me that we (really me) were given the opportunity to review reading glasses. I’ve been using reading classes for about 3 or 4 years now.
I tend to usually buy them at a local store. While the price at the local store is fair, the selection is limited to either metal rims or black plastic.
When my daughter showed me their site, I was blown away. They offer such an incredible collection. Not only do they offer frames that are square, oval or rectangular, they also offer more designs than I could even keep track of.
I was asked to pick out my three favorite pairs. Only three? I’ve never seen a collection like this before.
So, I did pick out my three favorites. I got my first choice, the Vegas frames in Tiger print. To say I love them would be an understatement. The base of the frame is brown. There are then tiger stripes throughout the entire frame.
Remember those glasses I bought at the local store? The frames are thin. The frames from Reading Glasses Shopper are some of the thickest frames I’ve ever seen. The quality is amazing.
In years past the lenses have fallen out of glasses I’ve bought at the local store. Again, the quality of the glasses from Reading Glasses Shopper is fantastic. I know these lenses are not falling out.
Next time I need to buy new glasses, you can bet I’ll be buying them from Reading Glasses Shopper. Not only is their frame selection awesome, but the prices are better than fair!!"
For your first (and mandatory) entry into this contest, go to Reading Glasses Shopper and comment with which pair you would pick if you won. Please make sure to leave your email address in your comments.
To earn extra entries you can (please leave a comment for each additional entry):
1) Follow Reading Glasses Shopper on Twitter (click here, then comment with your twitter name)
2) Become a fan of Reading Glasses Shopper on facebook (click here, then comment with your facebook name)
3) Become a follower of my blog or let me know if you already follow (you must follow publicly, I have to be able to see you)
4) Become an email subscriber of my blog or let me know if you already subscribe
5) Blog about this contest (and comment with the url)
6) Add my button to your sidebar (and comment with the url)
7) Follow my Becca's Contest List blog
8) Follow me on twitter and tweet about the contest using "@sbshortie @RdgGlassesShopr Win a pair of reading glasses of your choice! http://is.gd/7mYwE" (comment with your twitter name and the url of your tweet)
9) Become my friend on Facebook (click here and comment with your facebook name)
This contest is open to anyone with a US or Canadian mailing address that is 18+. Contest ends Wednesday, February 10th at 11:59 pm pacific time. Winner will be picked and notified by email shortly after.
We were sent one pair of glasses to review and the company is sending another pair of glasses to the winner. All opinions are our own and we were not monetarily compensated for this post.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Woohoo, it's Friday! This is my 3rd week participating in Friday Follow.
I think I might just blog about all of my random thoughts...and hopefully everyone will find something they can "connect" to and/or comment on.
I bought 5 Quick Picks for the Mega Millions lotto in California that takes place Friday night. It's up to 144 million! If I win, I want to buy a house in Idaho...although I should probably buy one where it's nice during the winter also!
I went on a drive around my neighborhood with my friend tonight. I've only lived in this neighborhood since August, and I never fully realized that every street dead ends or is a cul-de-sac. There is also this one dead-end...that leads to a normally gated area...but the gate was open tonight. We drove through...and it looked so creepy! Every house looked almost the same...and they all seemed to be duplexes. The cars must be required to be in the garages...because there was not one car in a driveway or on any street. And...almost everyone's lights were out at 10:30 at night!! Creepy!!!
I beat my high score on Bejeweled on facebook today. I scored 384,750 points. This is amazing...I had never beat 300,000 before. If we're not facebook friends, you should click here and be my friend.
I have a question about twitter that no one seems to be answering for me. I have heard of people entering giveaways on twitter...the way most people enter giveaways on blogs or corporate sites. Does anyone know about these twitter giveaways and how to find them?
I think my last thought is about dinner Saturday. I am having a friend over and have NO IDEA what to make. He suggested tonight that I could make his favorite kind of macaroni and cheese (from a box)...so I am now wondering if I should at least try to make it from scratch and see if he likes it!
I almost forgot...I started a new thing at the gym today. But it was hard and I sucked at it. Our "trainer" (who is really the membership/sales manager) suggested to us that we should do arms one day and legs one day, doing cardio whenever. We had been doing all of the machines one day and cardio the other day. So I did my arms today. I only did like 3 sets on each of 6 machines before I was exhausted! I missed a whole bunch of arm exercises...but I did a few new ones too!
Wow, I wonder if I should blog my random thoughts like this more often. I never do!!!!!
I think I might just blog about all of my random thoughts...and hopefully everyone will find something they can "connect" to and/or comment on.
I bought 5 Quick Picks for the Mega Millions lotto in California that takes place Friday night. It's up to 144 million! If I win, I want to buy a house in Idaho...although I should probably buy one where it's nice during the winter also!
I went on a drive around my neighborhood with my friend tonight. I've only lived in this neighborhood since August, and I never fully realized that every street dead ends or is a cul-de-sac. There is also this one dead-end...that leads to a normally gated area...but the gate was open tonight. We drove through...and it looked so creepy! Every house looked almost the same...and they all seemed to be duplexes. The cars must be required to be in the garages...because there was not one car in a driveway or on any street. And...almost everyone's lights were out at 10:30 at night!! Creepy!!!
I beat my high score on Bejeweled on facebook today. I scored 384,750 points. This is amazing...I had never beat 300,000 before. If we're not facebook friends, you should click here and be my friend.
I have a question about twitter that no one seems to be answering for me. I have heard of people entering giveaways on twitter...the way most people enter giveaways on blogs or corporate sites. Does anyone know about these twitter giveaways and how to find them?
I think my last thought is about dinner Saturday. I am having a friend over and have NO IDEA what to make. He suggested tonight that I could make his favorite kind of macaroni and cheese (from a box)...so I am now wondering if I should at least try to make it from scratch and see if he likes it!
I almost forgot...I started a new thing at the gym today. But it was hard and I sucked at it. Our "trainer" (who is really the membership/sales manager) suggested to us that we should do arms one day and legs one day, doing cardio whenever. We had been doing all of the machines one day and cardio the other day. So I did my arms today. I only did like 3 sets on each of 6 machines before I was exhausted! I missed a whole bunch of arm exercises...but I did a few new ones too!
Wow, I wonder if I should blog my random thoughts like this more often. I never do!!!!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
American Idol - Night 6
Woohoo - Season 9, Night 6
Dallas - 11,000 people!
Guest judge - Neil Patrick Harris - He's too freaking adorable!!!
Julie Kevelighan - Black Velvet...I normally really like this song...but not to much. Now to be fair, Julie has gotten better...but ummmm not Idol material
P.S. Can they ever start with a GOOD audition???
Lloyd Thomas - Who tells Simon to get out??? lol I hope he gets a longer tie for the future hehehe
Kimberly Carver - Yay, her voice was good!!!! I liked her song more than my sister though.
Dexter Ward - Well...he wasn't awful.
Erica Rhodes - LOL I want to audition with the Barney song!!! And then to En Vogue lol I liked her voice better in the Barney song than En Vogue
Dave Pittman - He has Turret's :( How interesting that he is totally fine while he sings!
Only 14 from Day 1!
Day 2 - Joe Jonas was the guest judge - Simon put on a sweater??
Todrick Hall - Okay I thought his song was a little "eh" at first but it got way better and catchier as it went on!
Dawntoya Thomason - Whew, what a name to type lol Her voice was just okay to me!
Stephanie Daulong - Her voice was good but I don't always like that "twang"
Maegan Wright - Her little brother was freaking adorable! I thought she was okay...definitely not my favorite lol
Vanessa Johnston - Wow, what an outfit! She kinda yelled through her audition...except when she was like...whispering! Etta James probably won't be too happy about that version of "At Last"
Christian Spear - Awwww little kids with cancer have to be one of the saddest things on Earth!
Kinda sad that Joe Jonas barely had any role at all.
17 tickets from Day 2!
Denver next week!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
What US State Are You?
You Are Massachusetts |
![]() You are smart, serious, and quite traditional. You don't have a lot of time for junk in your life. It's likely that you're well educated and hard working. You live a very goal oriented life. You are probably socially liberal, but personally quite conservative. You would never be described as wild. But you're more diverse than people give you credit for. You're equally comfortable at a business meeting and at a rowdy sports game! |
I like these results :)
American Idol - Night 5
Woohoo - Season 9, Night 5
Los Angeles! -10,000 again! (Ryan Seacrest sounds like he has a cold lol)
Guest judge - Avril Lavigne. Ummm I'm not a huge fan of hers but I guess she's okay
Neil Goldstein - IQ of 168....shouldn't he have more intellectual things to do than try out for Idol? Ummm more questions...why does he click at the end of his sentences? He actually wasn't that bad...but definitely not good enough for Idol!
Jim Ranger - What a sweet man! His voice kinda reminded me of Taylor Hicks...I wonder if he has any brither clothes lol Why did Avril say no? Cuz she is dumb and divorced??
Jayson Wilson - Ouch, no need to put him on TV lol
Jesse Chang - Sorry but I thought he was adorable
Damien Lefavor - I guess he should stick to making sandwiches! And he butchered "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" :(
Mary Powers - Ooh, she gave me chills. I don't know the song, her voice is just great!
AJ Mendoza - I felt like he should have done better than he did. Like his voice wasn't awful but the song was? Who knows?!?!
And Day 2....
Yay for Katy Perry...she went to my high school and was like a year or two behind me!
Austin Fullmer - Sometimes I wish they would start with a good person instead of one to make fun of
Andrew Garcia - He sang "Sunday Morning". That is one of my favorite Maroon 5 songs. And yay I liked him!!!
Tasha Layton - She sang "Baby Baby Baby" by Joss Stone. I'm not a big fan of Joss Stone so Tasha's version was probably better lol
Jason Greene - What a creeper...even before he sang! "I Touch Myself" Oy lol I guess he'd be okay at karaoke in a bar!
Chris Golightly - Awwww what a sad childhood. Umm he had to have made up his last name lol I really wanted to like him...I'm so glad he was good!
Only 22 people got golden tickets!
I think tomorrow is Dallas?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
American Idol - Week 2, Night 2
Woohoo - Season 9, Night 4
Orlando! -"Only" 10,000 try outs! (Was that 10,000 each day or combined?)
Kristin Chenowith was the guest judge. She is so great! I loved her on Glee :)
Theo Glinton - Well surprisingly, he wasn't as bad as I thought he would be. But that isn't saying that much LOL
Seth Rollins - I really wanted to like him...yay!!! My mom liked his son haha
Jermaine Purifoy - He was really good..and Randy's favorite..wow!
Shelby Dressel - I'm so relieved...I really wanted to like her also. I'm always even more impressed when young people have such amazing voices!
18 people on Day 1...not bad
Awwww no guest judge on Day 2 (Randy's red, yellow and blue watch is weird)
Jay Stone - I was told to look out for him because he had done a program that I did also (but not at the same time). He of course reminded me of Blake Lewis! Yay!!!!!
Janell Wheeler - I really enjoyed her...her voice sounded "clean" to me
Brittany Starr James - Ooh, she was good! I liked her version of what she sang...but the name of the song isn't coming to me right now
Kasi Bedford - I only thought her voice was okay but I did like her purple hair :)
Cornelius Edwards - Who takes dancing lessons from strippers??? Did he go to Hollywood just cuz his pants split?
Bernadette and Amanda Desimone - Bernadette went first and I liked her. Amanda went second and I think I liked her better. They were both good but neither was extraordinary.
Jarrod Norrell - Sigh How embarrassing to be escorted out of the auditions!!! I've never seen anyone go out in cuffs!
Matt Lawrence - 4 birthdays in jail? Sad! Wow, I didn't know they locked up 15 year olds for 4 years! I only thought that he was okay, but I guess everyone else loved him lol
LA is tonight!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Empty Promises by Ann Rule
Yee-haw, book #4! The full title is actually "Empty Promises and Other True Cases". I don't think I have ever read a book by Ann Rule before, but this one was sitting on the bookshelf waiting to be read. *I stand corrected by my mom...I have read an Ann Rule book before. It was called "Too Late To Say Goodbye".
This book consisted of 1 book-length case and 9 shorter cases. Wow, all of the stories were just shocking. I think it's true that truth is stranger (and in this case scarier) than fiction. I almost feel like no one would be able to come up with the crazy things in each of these stories! They were a bit hard to read at times, because they were so dark, but they were almost good life teaching tools.
If you are into true crime books, you shouldn't miss this one!
P.S. What should I read next??
Sunday, January 24, 2010
What Kind of Fabric Are You?
You Are Wool |
![]() You are down to earth, practical, and no nonsense. You need a fabric that's durable and hearty. You don't mind if wool is itchy... at least it keeps you warm! And you're responsible enough to take care of wool properly. You aren't superficial or frivolous. You value substance over style and function over form. You are humble and thoughtful. You are happy with who you are, and you don't like vanity get the best of you. |
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Lisa's Custom Duct Tape Wallets Giveaway
I recently came across a great new Etsy shop, owned by a woman named Lisa. She makes adorable duct tape wallets in many colorful designs!
Lisa was generous enough to send me a super cute Blue Cupcake Duct Tape Wallet to try out. I was so excited when it came in the mail! It looked just like the one pictured in her store. It is a bi-fold wallet with 3 credit card slots, an id slot, and a cash compartment...made out of only duct tape! My cards and dollar bills fit in easily and looked great!
I am pleased to offer a wallet of the winner's choice from Lisa's Custom Duct Tape Wallets etsy story
For your first (and mandatory) entry into this contest, go to Lisa's Etsy Shop and pick your favorite wallet design. Please make sure to leave your email address in your comments.
To earn extra entries you can (please leave a comment for each additional entry):
1) Add Lisa's shop to your list of favorite sellers on etsy (comment with your etsy name)
2) Become Lisa's facebook friend (click here, then comment with your facebook name)
3) Become a fan of Lisa's Duct Tape Wallets on facebook (click here, then comment with your facebook name)
4) Become a follower of my blog or let me know if you already follow (please don't do anonymous, i have to be able to see you)
5) Become an email subscriber of my blog or let me know if you already subscribe
6) Blog about this contest (and comment with the url)
7) Add my button to your sidebar (and comment with the url)
8) Follow my Becca's Contest List blog
9) Follow me on twitter and tweet about the contest using "@sbshortie Win a duct tape wallet! http://is.gd/6UrtG" (comment with your twitter name and the url of your tweet)
This contest is open to anyone with a US mailing address that is 18+. Contest ends Saturday, February 6th at 11:59 pm pacific time. Winner will be picked and notified by email shortly after.
Lisa sent me a wallet to review, and is also sending a wallet to the winner.
Lisa was generous enough to send me a super cute Blue Cupcake Duct Tape Wallet to try out. I was so excited when it came in the mail! It looked just like the one pictured in her store. It is a bi-fold wallet with 3 credit card slots, an id slot, and a cash compartment...made out of only duct tape! My cards and dollar bills fit in easily and looked great!
I am pleased to offer a wallet of the winner's choice from Lisa's Custom Duct Tape Wallets etsy story
For your first (and mandatory) entry into this contest, go to Lisa's Etsy Shop and pick your favorite wallet design. Please make sure to leave your email address in your comments.
To earn extra entries you can (please leave a comment for each additional entry):
1) Add Lisa's shop to your list of favorite sellers on etsy (comment with your etsy name)
2) Become Lisa's facebook friend (click here, then comment with your facebook name)
3) Become a fan of Lisa's Duct Tape Wallets on facebook (click here, then comment with your facebook name)
4) Become a follower of my blog or let me know if you already follow (please don't do anonymous, i have to be able to see you)
5) Become an email subscriber of my blog or let me know if you already subscribe
6) Blog about this contest (and comment with the url)
7) Add my button to your sidebar (and comment with the url)
8) Follow my Becca's Contest List blog
9) Follow me on twitter and tweet about the contest using "@sbshortie Win a duct tape wallet! http://is.gd/6UrtG" (comment with your twitter name and the url of your tweet)
This contest is open to anyone with a US mailing address that is 18+. Contest ends Saturday, February 6th at 11:59 pm pacific time. Winner will be picked and notified by email shortly after.
Lisa sent me a wallet to review, and is also sending a wallet to the winner.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Aloha Friday #24

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog . Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.
Woohoo, 2 weeks in a row! My question this week is: What is your favorite dinner main course?
Mine is probably white fish...baked. I think I could eat fish every night if I wasn't worried about all of the weird stuff in it.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
What Animal Are You?
You Are a Giraffe |
![]() You are down to earth and realistic. You are able to see far off into the horizon. You bring a lot of perspective to other's lives. You are never too myopic. You are honest to a fault. You tend to tell it how it is, even if someone isn't ready to hear it. You are very down to earth and practical. You prioritize what matters in your life, and you don't waste your time. |
More DVR problems...Idol didn't record tonight. For those of you who use a DVR, do you check it each day to make sure it's set to record properly? (Idol had recorded fine every night up until tonight)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
American Idol - Week 2, Night 1
Woohoo - Season 9, Night 3
Chicago! - 12,000 people showed up!
Ooooooh, Shania Twain is the guest judge. My family and I all freaking love her!!!!!
-Katelyn Epperly - It's interesting when someone auditions "for their mom" but they are actually really good! Did she say she sang a song by Duffy? I've never heard of it!
-Amy Lang - Who tells Ryan Seacrest about their dirty dream about him? Awkward!!! What a freaking weirdo! She started her audition by falling over lol
-Charity Vance - What a cute little girl from Arkansas. She seems so sweet! I'm so glad she had a good audition :)
-Angela Martin - Her 3rd audition...that's dedication! Her daughter is sick? Her dad died? :( Then she had to leave to go to court for a traffic violation? Eek! She is really good...but I worry that she would have to leave for some reason.
-Curley Newbern - I'm actually starting to feel bad for people who are bad. Why in the world don't their families tell them? I mean, it'd be like if you told your kids that red was green and green was yellow...and then people made fun of them for not knowing their colors. Of course you should encourage your kids and be positive, but don't fill them with false hope!!!
-Alannah Halbert - see above comments (except I like singing lessons from the judge)
LOL cute black and white interlude (as if anything like Idol existed back in the day)
-Brian Krause - ummmm see above comments AGAIN
-Harold Davis - He was slightly better than the above 3 people.
-Chantelle Graczkowski - Ugh see above (did anyone good come to Chicago?)
-John Park - Wow, I wasn't expecting such an amazing voice to come out of him. Shania noticed his physical traits and not his voice??? lol
-Paige Dechausse - What a strong voice out of a petite girl! Yay, I'm glad Randy said yes so she could go through!
-Justin Ray - What hair!!!!!!
-Keith Semple - I am so not into raspy voices
Wow, only 13 golden tickets out of 12,000 people!!!!
The Invention of Lying
Last night, my friend Channing invited me over to watch the movie "The Invention of Lying". I love watching movies, as you can see by my behavior lately lol. I knew "The Invention of Lying" starred Ricky Gervais and Jennifer Garner, but that's about all I knew about it.
The premise of the movie is that it takes place in a world where lying doesn't exist. There aren't words for truth, lies, true, false, etc.
What a funny movie with a great cast! In addition to Ricky Gervais and Jennifer Aniston, Jonah Hill, Rob Lowe, Tina Fey, Jason Bateman, Edward Norton and Philip Seymour Hoffman were also in this movie. I don't know which of them I love more!!!
If you're looking for a humorous movie that is a teensy bit silly, I would definitely recommend "The Invention of Lying"
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Life Unexpected
Life Unexpected is the newest show on the CW that I am interested in. It just started yesterday.
It stars Brittany Robertson as Lux, a girl who is about to turn 16 and wants to be emancipated out of the foster system. Shiri Appleby plays Cate Cassidy, Lux's mom. And Kristoffer Polaha plays Nate Bazile, her dad. Shiri Appleby is the only 1 of the 3 I have heard of...she played Liz Parker on "Roswell".
I'm afraid to ruin the plot...so I just want to say that it seems like a really cute show already. I can't wait to watch it and see what happens next.
It stars Brittany Robertson as Lux, a girl who is about to turn 16 and wants to be emancipated out of the foster system. Shiri Appleby plays Cate Cassidy, Lux's mom. And Kristoffer Polaha plays Nate Bazile, her dad. Shiri Appleby is the only 1 of the 3 I have heard of...she played Liz Parker on "Roswell".
I'm afraid to ruin the plot...so I just want to say that it seems like a really cute show already. I can't wait to watch it and see what happens next.
Youth In Revolt
My friend and I decided to go see Youth In Revolt starring Michael Cera yesterday afternoon. Ummmm we tend to not go to the best movies together lol
Let me start by saying that I love Michael Cera. I want to marry him lol Portia Doubleday did a great job as Sheeni Saunders, his sidekick throughout most of the movie. She seems to be a newcomer so I look forward to seeing more of her. Steve Buscemi played Michael Cera's dad...it was nice to see him play someone slightly classier than usual (although that's not saying much haha) Ray Liotta and Justin Long also had smallish parts in this movie and I love both of them!
The storyline of the movie just wasn't that great. It had a cute premise, but my advice would probably be to wait for this one to come out on DVD before seeing it.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Nothing to say
So nothing much has happened this weekend...as I predicted in my Six Word Saturday. The Friday Follow I participated in was a huge success...I have a ton of new followers on both of my blogs!
I watched the Golden Globes yesterday. They weren't really terribly exciting.
Today I am waking up early (which is going to stink since it's after 1 am and I am awake). My parents and I are going to Wal*Mart, Target, Golfsmith and the 99 cent store, followed by the lunch buffet at Roundtable Pizza. Then I'm going to see Youth in Revolt.
Hopefully I will have more to blog about soon lol
I watched the Golden Globes yesterday. They weren't really terribly exciting.
Today I am waking up early (which is going to stink since it's after 1 am and I am awake). My parents and I are going to Wal*Mart, Target, Golfsmith and the 99 cent store, followed by the lunch buffet at Roundtable Pizza. Then I'm going to see Youth in Revolt.
Hopefully I will have more to blog about soon lol
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Promises in Death by J.D. Robb
Yay, book #3 for 2010. I chose the latest J.D. Robb paperback. I think Nora Roberts is an excellent author and love her "In Death" series that she writes as J.D. Robb.
This book was great from the beginning. I had read the first chapter or two at the end of her last book so I knew what the main storyline was going to be. Without ruining anything, a cop is killed and that's what the book is about.
If you like Nora Roberts and like murder mysteries, this book will not disappoint.
P.S. Much like 2s...3s are hard to draw. Also, check out the book list I put on my sidebar with the help of a new bloggy friend :)
P.P.S I forgot to blog about this book when I finished it...and am almost halfway through a new one :)
Julie & Julia
My mom asked me to rent Julie & Julia for her...she really wanted to see it. We started watching it Friday night and finished it Saturday afternoon.
The movie has two stories going on at the same time. One story is about Julia Child (played by Meryl Streep). The other story is about a blogger named Julie (played by Amy Adams).
I loved the part about Julie the best, because I can totally relate to everything she goes through with her blog.
Meryl Streep did a great job as Julia Child. Don't get me wrong. That part of the story was good, it just wasn't as good to me as the other part LOL
And for some reason, my mom found the whole movie boring. But I really liked it, and would definitely recommend it.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Six Word Saturday - #16
Show my Face blog hosts Six Word Saturday each week. Woohoo, this is my second one this month.
Here's what you do: Describe your life (or something) in just six words.
Three day weekend, excited for nothing! (hehe)
What Childhood Toy Are You?
You Are Blocks |
![]() You tend to dream big, and there's a part of you that feels like you can build anything. You are highly inventive and imaginative. As a kid, you didn't need fancy toys to make you happy. You could make a game out of anything. You were (and are) very resourceful. |
What Childhood Toy Are You?
Ummm I'm not sure I really agree with any of this...but I do like blocks and loved my Tinker Toys as a kid
Ummm I'm not sure I really agree with any of this...but I do like blocks and loved my Tinker Toys as a kid
What Type of Hot Chocolate Are You?
You Are Double Chocolate Hot Chocolate |
![]() When you do anything, you do it big. You live large, and you don't hold back. You either love or hate things with a passion. And since you love hot chocolate, of course you want to double down. You're the type of person most likely to make your own hot chocolate. Only you can make it as decadent as you like it. And you're also likely to go for the good stuff - real chocolate. No wimpy cocoa packets for you! |
Friday, January 15, 2010
SB Axxess #7 - Elephant Bar
Wow, I'm up to restaurant #7 already. I'm so glad I am getting more use out of my card this year! Last night, we decided to go to one of our old favorites - Elephant Bar. The Axxess deal was 15% off of your total EVERY TIME. I did a bad thing and forgot to take a picture of the receipt, so I have to guess that we saved about $6.
Elephant Bar has appetizers, soups and salads, sandwiches, burgers, things from a work and more. We ordered Artichoke Dip to start. Our entrees were the Grilled Turkey and Ham Focaccia (hold the ham lol), the Blackened Ahi Tuna sandwich and the Crispy Honey Orange Shrimp. The two "sandwiches" came with fries and the shrimp came with brown rice (I love that more and more places are serving brown rice)
Everything was great! We all finished everything on our plates. The waiter was very attentive and nice. I would definitely recommend this restaurant to anyone.
I want to be clear that I bought the Axxess Book on my own and went to the restaurant on my own. I received nothing from any mentioned company.
Elephant Bar has appetizers, soups and salads, sandwiches, burgers, things from a work and more. We ordered Artichoke Dip to start. Our entrees were the Grilled Turkey and Ham Focaccia (hold the ham lol), the Blackened Ahi Tuna sandwich and the Crispy Honey Orange Shrimp. The two "sandwiches" came with fries and the shrimp came with brown rice (I love that more and more places are serving brown rice)
Everything was great! We all finished everything on our plates. The waiter was very attentive and nice. I would definitely recommend this restaurant to anyone.
I want to be clear that I bought the Axxess Book on my own and went to the restaurant on my own. I received nothing from any mentioned company.
Aloha Friday #23
http://islandlife808.com/memes/aloha-friday-117http://islandlife808.com/memes/aloha-friday-117

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog . Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.
Wow, I haven't played in almost a month. I'm going to keep it really light this week. What kind of socks do you wear? Ankle, crew cut, knee high? White, argyle, patterned?
I own everything I listed LOL I wear different socks depending on my outfit, if I'm going to the gym, if it's cold out etc.
Wow, I haven't played in almost a month. I'm going to keep it really light this week. What kind of socks do you wear? Ankle, crew cut, knee high? White, argyle, patterned?
I own everything I listed LOL I wear different socks depending on my outfit, if I'm going to the gym, if it's cold out etc.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Kraft Foods - First Taste
Wowee, I just got my first offer as a member of First Taste.
I am getting a coupon to try DiGiorno 200 Calorie Portions! (*edit to add....it is pizza)
They look yummy :)
If you want to sign up for First Taste, click here.
I am getting a coupon to try DiGiorno 200 Calorie Portions! (*edit to add....it is pizza)
They look yummy :)
If you want to sign up for First Taste, click here.
American Idol - Night 2
Season 9 - Night 2
Atlanta -10,000 people...wow!
Guest judge - Mary J Blige...I really dislike her from the Idol finale where she barely let the person she was singing with sing.
-Dewone Robinson - I really wanted to like him...he was so sweet. But he wrote a really awful song unfortunately :(
-Keia Johnson - I personally felt like her voice went in and out...but the judges seemed to really like her.
-Miriam Lemnouni - She sounded really good!
-Noel Reese -She sounded like the Miriam girl to me lol
-Tisha Holland - Nice high note!
-Jermaine Sellers - He is so sweet that he cares for his sick mom! I officially love him! He has a great personality and a really good voice. Wow, Randy thought he had the best vocals up to that point.
-Christy Marie Agronow - What a big personality!!! I really wanted to like her....I'm sad her voice was terrible!
-Vanessa Wolfe - A bridge jumper? How scary! Oh, I'm so glad she was good at what she did. I don't really know such small-town people. She's excited to ride on an "aeroplane" lol
-Jesse Hamilton - He almost died 3 times?? Gee shocking, Mary was rude to him...I digress to reiterate my dislike for her.
-Holly Harden - A human GUItar hehehe Her southern twang was good though. Yay she made it!
-Lathan Davenport - awww :(
-Hansel Enriquez - He kinda was channeling Kermit the Frog
-Blake Smith - I said it yesterday...what self-respecting man sings Britney Spears?? lol
-Mallorie Haley - What a sweet girl. I'm glad everyone liked her!
-Skii Bo Ski (Antonio Wheeler) - OMG I thought he was going to be absolutely terrible...and was pleasantly surprised! LOL Can't wait to see if he ditches his weirdness for Hollywood.
-Lauren Sanders - 1/2 of the BFFs. Ouch!
-Carmen Turner - The other 1/2 of the BFFs. She really thinks her BFF sings as well as she does? She had a really strong, amazing voice!
-Bryan Walker - I agree with everyone...I didn't expect much out of him and he was really good!
-Lamar Royal - How many times can Randy say "man" and "dog"? And anyone who starts singing while the judges are talking is never good! Gee and then he became a jerk...what a moron!
-General Larry Platt - I was really amused! Maybe they should have an American Idol for the 60+ crowd :) "Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, you lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground"
Chicago coming up next week :)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
American Idol Season Premiere
Season 9!!!!!!
Boston - 9000 people auditioned...wow!
First guest judge - Victoria Beckham. I have loved her ever since the Spice Girls!
-OMG Of course the first audition is just painful. Just cuz you're good at something on the Wii...doesn't mean you are actually good at it LOL
-Maddy Curtis - I'm such a sucker for Hallelujah...ever since the TV show The OC. As nerdy as it is, I just get so sad every time I hear that song and think of that show. Yay that she made it!!!!
-Patrick Ford - What self-respecting male sings Britney Spears????? But honestly, I think he would be great in local theatre!
-Jennifer Hirsh - a Jazzy audition?? Cool!
-Amadeo Diroco - His family dinners look fun!! How do I get invited?? His style of singing kind of reminded me of Taylor Hicks lol
-Derek Allen? - Very nasal! A mix between Chris Brown and The Eagles?? NO!
-Mere Doyle - She just kinda yelled in my opinion.
-Luke Shaffer - I'll date him LOL He's good!
-Benjamin Bright - Another good one!! What an adorable boy!
-Andrew Fenton - What a grumpy butt. He looked so miserable before his audition! He sang alright...but he was kinda emotionless....until the end when he got all crazy on the ladies!
-Bill Bloom - Music teacher??? For whom??? LOL
-Ashley Rodriguez - Wowee. She sang Alicia Keys and did a good job of it!
-Tyler Grady - OMG So scary what he did to his wrists...I can't imagine! He had a great voice, and such an adorable personality!
18 yeses on Day 1.
-Lisa Olivero - Ouch?
-Mike Davis - I was worried about him doing Yesterday by The Beatles...but he did a really good job!
-Katie Stevens - What a sweet girl taking such nice care of her grandma. I'm so happy when nice people have such amazing voices!
-Joshua Blaylock - He had a very sweet voice!
-Justin Williams - He got cancer while serving a mission?? :( A vocal coach who can sing...yay!
-Norberto Guerrero - Was he trying to look like Michael Jackson...or LaToya? And...I don't think you can sing Cascada a capella!
-Bosa Mora - His mom's clothes were super interesting! His voice was good but I think Simon was right...he was a bit boring. He needs to spice things up!
-Leah Lorenti - What a powerful voice!
Can't wait to watch Atlanta tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Fun, Fit and Guilt-Free House Party - The Detailed Post
I was super lucky to win a Fun, Fit and Guilt-Free House Party from Houseparty.com
I had my party on Saturday night. A bunch of my friends came, and a great time was had by all.











I had my party on Saturday night. A bunch of my friends came, and a great time was had by all.
The drink table
The real food counter
Alisse, My Mom, and Amy on the couches (My mom got to invite some friends too!)
Danny, Elana and My Dad (the poor guy was so sick, he left after like 10 minutes)
Alisse trying out Your Shape for Wii
Kevin trying out Just Dance all by himself
Elana, Steve, Linda, Mom, Danny and Scott watching poor Kevin
Phew, Kyle joined Kevin, and now his wife Sharlene is watching also
Scott, Sharlene and Channing trying their Jell-o Mousse Temptations
Elana and Steve with theirs (I made Steve pretend to still be eating his for this lol)
Kevin and Danny rocking out to Just Dance (notice their "matching" shirts)
Stacie and Steve chilling on the couch (notice their "matching" shirts) hehehe
I even managed to get Brian in a picture!
Stacie, Gena and I playing Just Dance after everyone had left
I owe a huge thank you to Houseparty.com for sending me 2 free Wii games and coupons for free Jell-o Mousse Temptations. I was so honored to be chosen to host a House Party...and I really hope they will choose me again in the future!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Mixmygranola.com Giveaway
Andreas, Matt and Raoul founded MixMyGranola in 2008. The idea of MixMyGranola was born when the three of them were sitting together at breakfast one morning discussing what the perfect granola would be like. Each one of them had different ideas and none of the ready-made granolas that they could find in supermarkets and grocery stores really fulfilled all of their granola dreams.
So they started looking for the best granolas and the best ingredients and started creating their own granola mixes. While trying new combinations and new ingredients, they thought: hey- other people might want to do the same.
So they created MixMyGranola.com: The website where YOU can custom-make your own granola. The way YOU like it!
I am pleased to offer a $10 gift certificate to MixMyGranola
For your first (and mandatory) entry into this contest, go to the MixMyGranola website and comment with your favorite ingredient. (I think the Peanutbutter Bites look yummy) Please make sure to leave your email address in your comments (I had to re-pick my winner last time due to no email address).
To earn extra entries you can (please leave a comment for each additional entry):
1) Become a follower of my blog or let me know if you already follow (please don't do anonymous, i have to be able to see you)
2) Become an email subscriber of my blog or let me know if you already subscribe
3) Blog about this contest (and comment with the url)
4) Add my button to your sidebar (and comment with the url)
5) Follow my Becca's Contest List blog
6) Follow me on twitter and tweet about the contest using "@sbshortie Win a $10 gift certificate to MixMyGranola http://is.gd/65fZz" (comment with your twitter name and the url of your tweet)
This contest is open to anyone with a US mailing address that is 18+. Contest ends Monday, January 18th at 11:59 pm pacific time. Winner will be picked and notified by email shortly after.
MixMyGranola is providing the gift certificate to the winner, but I was not compensated in any way for this post
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Fun, Fit and Guilt-Free House Party
We had an awesome time at my Fun, Fit and Guilt-Free House Party
I am way too tired to even blog about it..and will put up a better post some time after work tomorrow...and I have pics lol
I am way too tired to even blog about it..and will put up a better post some time after work tomorrow...and I have pics lol
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The Quickie by James Patterson
Woohoo, book #2 for this year. I picked a James Patterson book because the chapters are rarely more than 1-3 pages long so it makes for quick and easy reading.
"The Quickie" is a very fast-paced book. From the beginning, you are thrown right into the story line. And wow, the story line is complicated!!!! I don't want to say too much about it because hopefully someone will read it based off of my recommendation. But, I can guarantee you will be surprised!!!! (And if you're not surprised you are psychic lol)
If you are a fan of James Patterson's style of writing, I would definitely recommend you check this book out!!!
P.S. Can I just say that I re-drew the 2 on the picture like 10 times? 2s are really hard to make look nice!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Kellogg's® Pop-Tarts® Frosted Wild! Grape
As a member of the Pop-Tarts Sprinklings group, I am signed up to receive the newest Pop-Tarts flavors.
I got my first sample in the mail the other day, and it was the Frosted Wild! Grape flavor, which apparently is not even on shelves yet!!
I made one tonight for dessert, and all 3 of us tried it. It is so yummy!
Oh, look at the cute box it came in LOL
All in all, if you like grape-flavored things, I would definitely recommend this Pop-Tart.
Click here if you are interested in joining the Pop-Tarts Sprinklings group.
This is not a paid post, but I did receive one package (2 Pop-Tarts) to try.
I got my first sample in the mail the other day, and it was the Frosted Wild! Grape flavor, which apparently is not even on shelves yet!!
As you can see, the top has a bunch of purple frosting with green frosting swirls. There are also green sprinkles.
Inside, which I unfortunately didn't get a picture of, is yummy grape Pop-Tart filling. It kind of tastes like grape jelly!
Oh, look at the cute box it came in LOL
All in all, if you like grape-flavored things, I would definitely recommend this Pop-Tart.
Click here if you are interested in joining the Pop-Tarts Sprinklings group.
This is not a paid post, but I did receive one package (2 Pop-Tarts) to try.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Eminent Eights
Thanks Thom for tagging me in the Lucky Chinese Tag - Eminent Eights.
8 TV Shows I Like To Watch
One Tree Hill
Iron Chef
American Idol (so excited for it to start)
Unwrapped (candy/ice cream/yummy goodness lol)
Gossip Girl
Dr. Oz
The Good Wife
Iron Chef
American Idol (so excited for it to start)
Unwrapped (candy/ice cream/yummy goodness lol)
Gossip Girl
Dr. Oz
The Good Wife
8 Favorite Places to Eat and Drink
8 Things I Look Forward To
My Wii Party on Saturday (Thank you Houseparty.com)
Going to learn tonight
Being done with this cold
Making my blog better in 2010
The next book I am going to read...what shall I pick???
Blog comments (gotta love em)
Going to visit my uncle in May
Playing Slingo on Facebook lol
Going to learn tonight
Being done with this cold
Making my blog better in 2010
The next book I am going to read...what shall I pick???
Blog comments (gotta love em)
Going to visit my uncle in May
Playing Slingo on Facebook lol
8 Things That Happened Yesterday
I found what everyone thinks is a black widow in my bathroom
I worked for 8 hours (I normally only work 4-5)
I got to see the film "The Tribe" finally
I finished reading "The Quickie" by James Patterson (I need to blog about it still)
I ate cheddar cheese Mini Pringles (Can you tell I'm running out of things?)
I played on facebook a lot as usual
I got to see all of my kids at work after a very long winter break
I got asked to have a meeting tomorrow...I hate meetings!!!
I worked for 8 hours (I normally only work 4-5)
I got to see the film "The Tribe" finally
I finished reading "The Quickie" by James Patterson (I need to blog about it still)
I ate cheddar cheese Mini Pringles (Can you tell I'm running out of things?)
I played on facebook a lot as usual
I got to see all of my kids at work after a very long winter break
I got asked to have a meeting tomorrow...I hate meetings!!!
8 Things I Love About Winter
70+ degree temps (love California)
While it's warm, it's cool enough to not be HOT
Rainy days
Hot chocolate (it is just more enjoyable during the winter)
Sweaters (I feel silly wearing them other seasons)
Ear muffs (I bought my first pair this year)
Snow (going to snow means travelling!!)
While it's warm, it's cool enough to not be HOT
Rainy days
Hot chocolate (it is just more enjoyable during the winter)
Sweaters (I feel silly wearing them other seasons)
Ear muffs (I bought my first pair this year)
Snow (going to snow means travelling!!)
8 Things On My Wishlist
A new TV (this is supposed to be my mom's Chanukah gift to me)
A new dresser (this is supposed to be my dad's Chanukah gift to me)
A new printer (this is supposed to be my sister's Chanukah gift to us)
A new dog or dogs (I really want two, my mom barely wants one)
Leopard geckos (This definitely has to be two..I'd feel guilty to only have one)
PlayStation 3 or a Blu-Ray player
New friends / stronger friendships with current friends (My circle of local friends was about 1 last year...I need to change that this year)
A boyfriend??? lol
A new dresser (this is supposed to be my dad's Chanukah gift to me)
A new printer (this is supposed to be my sister's Chanukah gift to us)
A new dog or dogs (I really want two, my mom barely wants one)
Leopard geckos (This definitely has to be two..I'd feel guilty to only have one)
PlayStation 3 or a Blu-Ray player
New friends / stronger friendships with current friends (My circle of local friends was about 1 last year...I need to change that this year)
A boyfriend??? lol
8 Things I Am Passionate About
Animals / animal rights
My religion
Facebook?? lol
Animals / animal rights
My religion
Facebook?? lol
8 Words/Phrases I Often Use
Oh my sh*t (excuse my bad language, but I don't believe in saying G*d's name in vain)
No (I tend to start sentences with no, even when I am saying yes)
Like Dad always says...(My sister and I were joking the other day about all the crazy phrases my dad has taught us)
OMG (I use this all the time online and in texts)
LOL (Another one I use all the time online and in texts..even when I'm not laughing. At this point I think I say it any time I find something even remotely amusing)
Hello?? (My phone rings often)
Bye (gotta hang up the phone lol)
What's on the DVR? (I barely ever watch live TV)
No (I tend to start sentences with no, even when I am saying yes)
Like Dad always says...(My sister and I were joking the other day about all the crazy phrases my dad has taught us)
OMG (I use this all the time online and in texts)
LOL (Another one I use all the time online and in texts..even when I'm not laughing. At this point I think I say it any time I find something even remotely amusing)
Hello?? (My phone rings often)
Bye (gotta hang up the phone lol)
What's on the DVR? (I barely ever watch live TV)
8 Things I Learnt From The Past
When a person is always trying to bring others down, it's because they're miserable people
Think before speaking
You need to have friends around you
When it comes down to it, your family will always be there for you
Don't lie..it will always catch up with you
Don't trust the DVR to record your favorite shows..check on it!
The bottom oven just doesn't cook the same as the top oven
When you microwave fish fillets, cover them so they don't explode!
Think before speaking
You need to have friends around you
When it comes down to it, your family will always be there for you
Don't lie..it will always catch up with you
Don't trust the DVR to record your favorite shows..check on it!
The bottom oven just doesn't cook the same as the top oven
When you microwave fish fillets, cover them so they don't explode!
8 Places I Would Love To Go/Visit/See
Japan (it is my culture after all)
Hawaii (then I could visit Thom lol)
Australia / New Zealand (people normally group those 2 into one trip)
Traverse City, Michigan (I have heard it's very similar to Santa Barbara)
The whole continent of South America (I have no idea where...so I think anywhere cool would be fine)
Washington state
Hawaii (then I could visit Thom lol)
Australia / New Zealand (people normally group those 2 into one trip)
Traverse City, Michigan (I have heard it's very similar to Santa Barbara)
The whole continent of South America (I have no idea where...so I think anywhere cool would be fine)
Washington state
8 Blog Friends I Want To Tag
Michelle at Flying Giggles and Lollipops
Felicia at Go Graham Go!
Audrey at Audrey's Spot for Recipe Tips & Hints
Sarah at Class and Coffee
Shannon at The Mommy-Files
Stacie at Simply Stacie
Jessica at Jessica's Mental Vomit
Anitra at The Mama Zone
Felicia at Go Graham Go!
Audrey at Audrey's Spot for Recipe Tips & Hints
Sarah at Class and Coffee
Shannon at The Mommy-Files
Stacie at Simply Stacie
Jessica at Jessica's Mental Vomit
Anitra at The Mama Zone
I was super afraid I wasn't going to have anything to blog about today...since nothing very interesting happened yesterday. And then I went into the bathroom to get ready for bed and saw something black out of the corner of my eye.
Of course we don't own any bug spray (I intend to change that today) so i used Easy Off because it said it contained lye, was a skin irritant and was poisonous if ingested.
The spider is gone this morning, so I hope it went somewhere to die!!!!! (Oh, and because I'm hoping my friends are wrong, I'd love it if you said what kind you think it is)
Avatar in 3-D
I was so excited when 2 of my friends invited me to go to Avatar in 3-D on Tuesday. But it was a bit weird..both friends asked me to go with them and our friend Kevin. Neither one mentioned that the other was going. But anyhow....
The movie was very enjoyable. The beginning was slightly boring but it was awesome the rest of the time. The plot line was great, the action scenes were great, the Alien language was familiar by the end of the movie and the special effects were great.
But, what was all the hype for? It was cool, but I hate hype, because most things don't like up to their hype.
Overall, a good movie. I would definitely recommend seeing it, and you might as well see it in 3-D cuz it's cool. But don't listen to all the hype lol
The movie was very enjoyable. The beginning was slightly boring but it was awesome the rest of the time. The plot line was great, the action scenes were great, the Alien language was familiar by the end of the movie and the special effects were great.
But, what was all the hype for? It was cool, but I hate hype, because most things don't like up to their hype.
Overall, a good movie. I would definitely recommend seeing it, and you might as well see it in 3-D cuz it's cool. But don't listen to all the hype lol
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
What Color Are You?
Thanks to Thom for finding cool quizzes for me to take
Your Favorite Color is Blue |
![]() You are a compassionate, empathetic, and sensitive person. You can truly put yourself in someone else's shoes. You're known to be very soothing and understanding. Your friends can always turn to you in times of need. You see the world realistically. You don't have any illusions about what is or isn't going on. You are wise and thoughtful. You don't rush to judgement, and you think things through. |
Sooo Tired
So I have a cold...because I wasn't born with a working immune system or something.
I was up all freaking night coughing. I might have gotten a few hours of sleep...maybe.
I am so tired this morning. I am going to have to take something tonight because I can't not sleep tonight. Too bad NyQuil gives me frightening dreams :(
I was up all freaking night coughing. I might have gotten a few hours of sleep...maybe.
I am so tired this morning. I am going to have to take something tonight because I can't not sleep tonight. Too bad NyQuil gives me frightening dreams :(
Silly Haiku Wednesday - #11
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