Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I want to blog about my New Year's Resolutions, both to get them written down and in hopes that you all might help to hold me accountable.

  1. I want to continue to blog every day.  Even if they are pre-scheduled, or even if they don't say very much, I want a blog post every day. (Yes, I know this one is a duplicate)
  2. I want to try to eat a bit healthier (less dessert and a few more fruits and veggies).  I eat a lot of sugar which is bad.
  3. To go along with #2... I want to lose weight.  I have lost 4 pounds in the last 2 months.  It isn't that much, but it's also better than staying the same or gaining weight.  I hope with the right diet and exercise to lose 10-15 more pounds.
  4. I want to read more books.  I spend a lot of my free time blogging, talking to people on facebook etc.  I love to read...but barely read any books this year.  I would love to read 2-3 books a month (which is realistic because I read quicker than most people I know)
  5. I want to socialize more with my friends.  I tend to just hang out with the same person or two all the time, and then kind of not hang out with others.  I would love to see all of my friends more regularly and maybe even make some new ones.
Hopefully I can achieve all of these goals.  I tried not to set my goals too high, but high enough to push me.  There is nothing more discouraging than setting goals that are unrealistic.

What are some of everyone else's resolutions?


Maria @ Conversations with Moms said...

I still have not written my resolutions down. I'm sure you'll get to accomplish all of yours. I love the book idea. It's a great one.

Anonymous said...

Oh trust me my friend. I'm going to remind you of this. LOL. I don't do resolutions or goals. Never have. Never will. I don't keep them so why bother. I wish you all the luck with these :)

Anissa said...

Great list! I love them all! I would also add to organize my homeschooling better and to learn to take better pictures.

BestDietReviews said...

These are really realistic goals to have. You've made them public, so that will go a long way in helping you to follow through.

As for the diet, there's some good information here:

Have a great 2010!