Saturday, March 31, 2012

Six Word Saturday - #27

Show my Face blog hosts Six Word Saturday each week. I love this meme, because it is so simple yet can tell so much.  I hope to start participating every week again!

Here's what you do: Describe your life (or something) in just six words.

Fixing up the house this weekend.

There are a few things in our house that we have let go for too long.  Some friends offered to come over to help us fix them this weekend.  I am looking forward to fixing the patch of carpet in the hallway that Hunter tore up, the blinds in the kitchen that Hunter chewed up, the family room blinds that just fell down and the missing chunk of drywall in the garage.  Maybe I will actually help with some of the stuff so I can learn to be handy! ;)


Anonymous said...

It's such a good feeling to get those little jobs done. Everything looks better!

vivinfrance said...

Isn't it useful, having six arms! I always said I was badly designed only having 2.

Ron. said...

Sounds like your son, Hunter, is quite a wild child (heh heh).

soulbrush said...

That's a job I hate doing. Yuk!

Beth in NC said...

Yikes, I need to do this too! Sigh.

Best wishes! I hope you get it all accomplished.


ReadyOrNot said...

Ugh! Wish I was more handy!

21 Wits said...

You, are doing, what we need to do too!

Olivia said...

Have fun with your home improvements! Happy 6WS!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture with the words!
Have fun with your project!

Unknown said...

When you're finished at your place, can you pop over to my place - there's heaps to do here also

daphnepurpus said...

Gotta feel good when it is done!

Sonja said...

Hi there! Just found your blog via Six Word Sunday and I'm a new follower. Would love a follow back at